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Central Houston, Inc. Houston Downtown Management District 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77010 713-650-3022/713-223-2003 Operations

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Presentation on theme: "Central Houston, Inc. Houston Downtown Management District 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77010 713-650-3022/713-223-2003 Operations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Houston, Inc. Houston Downtown Management District 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77010 713-650-3022/713-223-2003 Operations

2 Minimize asset loss, injury, damage from an emergency event. reduce interruptions to business, residents and governmental activities Collaborate with regional emergency management actions.

3 Houston Downtown Management District – Responsible for maintaining a comprehensive contact list for Downtown stakeholders, businesses and partners Public Works & Engineering - Responsible for clearing debris from streets and restoring traffic control lights. METRO – provides scheduling as well as the most up to date information on both METRO bus, Park & Ride and METRO RAIL service issues HPD – control ingress/egress, coordinate street/sidewalk closings to ensure safety and expedite repairs. City of Houston Office of Emergency Management – Operates Houston Emergency Center (HEC)

4 Public Works & Engineering Debris removal Street and Light Repair HPD Determine Street Closures Determine Street Closures Evacuation of CBD Managing CBD Access following Event Evacuation of CBD Managing CBD Access following Event METRO Bus Bus METRORAIL Operations METRORAIL Operations Park & Ride Park & Ride DECC communicate all available and critical information to stakeholders, businesses and all partners

5 VOLUNTARY RELEASESHELTER IN PLACE  Voluntary Release - Situation may not require evacuation, but it may present circumstances where employers may wish to release employees early from the work site.  NOTE: Each employer is responsible for the decision for a voluntary release based upon information provided through Houston TranStar to local news and weather media. HDMD/ CHI will assist in these notifications through the Houston Downtown Management District Emergency Information Website (, phone and email communication including information on METRO Transit and other service.  Shelter in place - This is the action of remaining indoors, restricting ventilation, and sealing outdoor access. This is implemented to prevent harm caused by evacuating through the hazard area.  Strictly follow all instructions given by local emergency authorities. Monitor local news media and follow the instructions of local emergency officials.  To reduce the possibility of toxic vapors entering, seal all entry routes as efficiently as possible.  Building superintendents should turn off all ventilation systems. Secure elevator operations to minimize air movement throughout the building.  Close as many internal doors as possible.

6 EVACUATION SHUTDOWN OF PROPERTIES  Evacuation - If a situation arises that requires emergency rapid evacuation of all or a portion of downtown, affected building managers will be contacted by CHI/HDMD, Fire, or Police authorities. The action requested will depend on the nature of the emergency. Affected building managers will be directed to implement their phased emergency evacuation plans. Evacuation is by walking, and not using vehicles.  NOTE: Any call for mandatory evacuation will be made by appropriate City of Houston or Harris County officials and broadcast through the official Emergency Alert System (EAS) (KTRH, KUHF 88.7, 740 AM).  Shutdown of Properties – This is a property decision other than in a mandatory evacuation situation.  Decision is made when/whether or not to close down property.  If it is decided to close the facility, HDMD should be notified and the City representative at the Houston Emergency Center (HEC) will be notified. HDMD will maintain a log of closed properties.  If personnel remain on site to shepherd the facility through an emergency event, HDMD should be provided with all emergency contact information. HDMD will make the information available to the City representative at HEC, and all partners at the Downtown Emergency Coordination Center (DECC).

7 72hrs - Prior To Storm Event HDMD communicates via website to begin prep 48hrs –Prior To Storm Event Secure and/or remove hazards, review current plan, finalize check - list Preparation Storm Arrival “Hunker Down” – Monitor building population, call 911 for outside assistance During Event 24 – 36 hrs After Storm – Assessment 36 – 72 hrs After Storm – Recovery 72 hrs After Storm – Resumption of Operation Response

8 Pre – Event (96 Hours) DECC partners will have a conference call to establish an event timeline Post – Event (winds less than 35 mph) DECC and partners gather for initial assessment Events other than hurricanes will be handled on a case by case basis, and DECC will activate if necessary


10 Property Management – Monitor safety of building population during the event Property Management - Continually monitor water conditions on streets placing sandbags if necessary Emergency responders are generally unavailable during landfall – will respond once conditions are safe HDMD – monitor all emergency activities and relay information to stakeholders and partners

11 12 – 24 HRS Damage Assessment report to HDMD to assess event impact(Can be found in Appendix D of emergency management plan 0 – 12 HRS HDMD will coordinate actions from the (DECC) Property Managers should ensure property is secure and Fill out Hurricane Damage Assessment Deployment of resources i.e. Public Works, HPD, METRO – City Of Houston Curfews likely

12 Hurricane Damage Assessment Report provides information to the Houston Emergency Center(HEC), and is utilized to gather resources that will help assist the Downtown District with recovery Property Managers should try to complete report with 24hrs after event

13 Damage Assessment Report, can be found on the emergency website: h.guz0T4F6.A9lYxgyR.dpbs

14 Damage Assessment Report, can be found on the emergency website Important: Please ensure to fill out Property Name & Address  Updated Contact Information

15 Keep abreast of all emergency activity by checking:

16 Contact Us  Forms & Surveys

17 Keep abreast of all emergency activity by checking: Copy of the HDMD Emergency Plan – complete with contact information

18 Also sign up for alerts from the OEM site

19 Sign up for alerts from OEM

20 You can also request a copy of the Preparedness Guide

21 Standby contractors (i.e. – glass, scaffolding, etc.) Standby structural engineering assessment capability Out of town standby resources Identification of contractors Emergency plan for property Review essential personnel and responsibilities Review contact lists (phone/email lists) Ride out teams and provisions Tenant communications Communication w/ HDMD Secure property (flying objects) Secure construction sites Building access/security post storm Equipment (barricades, sandbags, etc.) Attic stock (glass, plywood, etc.) Checklist can be found at

22 James Kennedy, Operations Manager Gary Cook, Senior Director of Operations (713)223-2003 Office (713)223-2003

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