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Club SUCCESS House Meeting June 20, 2016. How was everyone’s weekend?  Any good positive stories from weekend?

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Presentation on theme: "Club SUCCESS House Meeting June 20, 2016. How was everyone’s weekend?  Any good positive stories from weekend?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Club SUCCESS House Meeting June 20, 2016

2 How was everyone’s weekend?  Any good positive stories from weekend?

3 Trainings, Appointments, Time off:  Anything else?

4 Our Numbers  Avg Daily Attendance last week: 38  May numbers:  Avg Daily for the month-41 (highest 54 lowest 11)  Total unduplicated members for the month- 90  TEP placements- 6  SE placements- 7  IE placements- 30  Outreaches- 66

5 Outing of the week  Anything to report from previous outing?  Members attending?  Hazards or risks that may occur on the outing?  How can we prevent these?  What’s the weather going to be like?  Who is going to cover driving this week?

6 Advisory Board Members  If you are interested in becoming an advisory board member please get with Luis.  Need your own transportation  Meetings on First Tuesday of Month  Help make decisions for Clubhouse

7  Anything to report? Kitchen

8 Member Services  The café deposited $132.43 last week  Bank account closed week at $7480.08! Great job and keep saving.  Anything to report?

9 Clerical  The members of the clerical unit have been working hard to ensure the Club Success Gazette is ready to be mailed out by the beginning of July. If you have any articles or ideas for the Gazette, please let someone in the clerical unit know.  The fitness room recently replaced an outdated self- propelled treadmill with a newer model elliptical thanks to a donation. Please sign the “thank you” card as it makes its way around the various units so we can show our appreciation.  Anything to report?

10 Time for Suggestions:  Any suggestions in box?

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