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ALL ABOUT ME INTRO TO VEIWER JOURNAL ENTRIES List of books I have read LOOK AT ME AS A READER - - My Vacation To Cook Forest - - My Vacation To Cook Forest.

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Presentation on theme: "ALL ABOUT ME INTRO TO VEIWER JOURNAL ENTRIES List of books I have read LOOK AT ME AS A READER - - My Vacation To Cook Forest - - My Vacation To Cook Forest."— Presentation transcript:


2 ALL ABOUT ME INTRO TO VEIWER JOURNAL ENTRIES List of books I have read LOOK AT ME AS A READER - - My Vacation To Cook Forest - - My Vacation To Cook Forest continued - - On My Honor LOOK AT ME AS A WRITER Fall is TEACHER READ-ALOUDS Electric eagles YEAR IN REVIEW

3 My name is Sara. I am in 6 th grade and I am 11 years old. Mrs.Grimm is my Math and Science teacher and Mrs.Tedeschi is my Literacy and Social Studies teacher. I have 1 sister, 6 Chickens and 2 dogs. In the Summer I Tractor Pull and in the winter I bowl.

4 1- On My Honor 2- On My Honor 3- On My Honor 4- Fall Is 5- Fall Is 6- Ideas For Narrative 7- The Tiger Rising 8- My Vacation To Cook Forest 9- If You Had To Lose One Of Your Senses What Would You Lose? 10- Independent Book Full Page Response. 11- The Cay By Theodore Taylor. 12- I Am Thankful For 13- Comparing The Movie The cay And The Book. 14- Persuasive Phone Paper

5  The anybody's by: N.E bode  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by: Carol Greene  The westing games by: Ellen Norwich  I am Martin Luther king jr by: Grace Raskin  Who was Rosa parks by: Y.Z McDonough  I survived the battle of Gettysburg by: L. Tarshis  We the people by: L. Cheney  Into the land of unicorns by: By.Coville  I sailed with Christopher Columbus  Who is Stan lee by: G. Edgers  The hidden girl by: J.R Kaufman with l. Metzger  What was the Boston tea party by; K.Krull  Bridge to terabinthea by: k. Paterson  The cat ate my gymsuite by: P. Danziger  Missing may by: C. Rylant  Soldiers heart by: G Paulsen  When you reach me by: R. Stead  The cat ate my gym shoes by: Paul Danziger  The hidden girl by: Lola Rein Kaufman  Prisioner b-3087 by: Alan Gratz  A song for bijou by: josh Farrar

6 It is the 2 nd 9 weeks and I finished all of my 8 books. Now that we are in to the 3 rd nine weeks we don’t have to do the 8 books anymore. We have to to read a book before and after interims and make a presentation about it. I have already done one. Halie and I did ours together since we where reading the same book. We read the book My Cat Ate My Gym Suite. It is the fourth nine weeks and I just did my other book talk on Wander.

7 Fall is…  Dressing up for Halloween and scaring people.  Looking at all of the pretty colorful leafs falling.  Carving pumpkins and eating the seeds.  Not being that warm outside.  Not being able to go outside without a jacket.  Thanksgiving.  Farmers picking there crops.  Spending time with your family.  Waiting for winter and summer to come.  Birds flying south for winter.  Watching scary movies.  The time changing and the sun going down earlier.  School starting.  Starting to play Christmas music in band.  Writing about fall in school.  My Favorite season.

8 My 9 th writing was all about my vacation to Cook Forest. This writing was 10 paragraphs long. My handwriting was a little sloppy but it was still my best writing of all.

9 Continued from the slide before. 9

10 On My Honor was my very first writing I did. It is only one paragraph and it is not very neat. I wrote this on August 25 th, 2015. it is just telling about the first chapter of On My Honor. 10

11  On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer: On My Honor is about a boy and his friends who decide not to listen to there parents and one of them ends up drowning and the other one cant find the right time to tell his parents. I thought this book was good.  The Tiger Rising by Kate dicamillo The Tiger Rising is about a boy who lives with his dad and there landlord is hiding a tiger in a cage and the boy finds out about it and the landlord gives him the job of feeding it. I thought this book was okay  The Cay by Theodor Taylor The Cay is about a boy named Phillip who gets stuck on a life raft with an old black man named Timothy. It takes Phillip a wile to get warmed up to Timothy but once he gets warmed up to him he ends up dyeing trying to save Phillips life. I thought this book was really good  Island of the blue dolphins by Scott Odell Island Of The Blue Dolphins is about a girl that jumps off a boat to try to stop her brother. Once they are both off of the boat the boat never comes back for them. Then the brother try's to prove to his sister that he is a man and gets ate by wild dogs. And that leaves her all alone to do a mans work. I thought this book was okay  Lawn boy by: Gary Paulsen Lawn Boy was about a boy just trying to get enough money to buy a enter tube for his bike. Then one day his grandma gives him his grandpas old riding lawn mower and starts a company, meets a few new people and ends up making 1000 of dollars. I really liked this book  Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt Mrs.Tedeschi hasn't read this one yet. But I think it will be a good book based on the other books she has chose to read to us. I have a feeling that this book will be good.

12  I am in the Electric Eagles. The Electric Eagles is a group of students from grades 3 to 6 that help the teachers with any technical problems that they have. We also have projects that are researching about apps on the iPad. The leaders of the group are Mrs.McGaffick and Mrs.Varagliotti.

13 I hope that you maybe now have a good idea of what 6 th grade was like for me. I have had fun. Yes 6 th grade is harder at least it was for me, but I still liked it. I liked my teachers and friends.

14 I had a lot of fun and learned something new almost every day in every subject. We learned different stuff in Math, Science, Social studies and Literacy. I am so grateful for my teachers and my friends for the support that they gave me through everything, And I feel that now I am more prepared for 7 th grade.

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