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Sludge water recycling unit UFOX 10

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1 Sludge water recycling unit UFOX 10
Wallace & Tiernan - Dec. 2006 Sludge water recycling unit UFOX 10

2 UFOX 10: Ultrafiltration und Oxidation
Recycling of sand filter backwash water in swimming pools NEW

3 Ultrafiltration System UFOX 10
with double virus barrier

4 Recycled filter backwash water according to DIN 19645 standard
Type 1 Used for refilling water into the pool water process Type 2 Used as cleaning water or toilet water Type 3 Waste water treated to feed directly in receiving water canal W&T - UFOX high installation costs minor savings high installation work official permission required

5 Different Levels of Membrane Filtration
Wallace & Tiernan UFOX 10

6 Design of the Ultrafiltration Module
type Multibore® pressure module IN/OUT bore size 0,01 µm membrane module membrane elements

7 DIN 19645 Standard Main requirements for recycling water type 1
Multi virus barrier or daily test of integrity Virus barrier with more then 7 log removal capability Maximum 80% of the refill water from recycled water type 1 New limits for the permeate (filtrate) chlorate < 5 mg/l bromate < 0,2 mg/l Minimum of 0,3 mg/l chlorine in the recycled water (permeate) 24 hour operation time for the ultra-filtration modules Only non corrosive material have to be used

8 Typical swimming pool process with UFOX 10
Treatment levels: Level 1: Prefiltration Level 2: Flocculation & Adsorption Level 3: Ultrafiltration Level 4: Oxidation Level 5: Disinfection

9 UFOX 10 design with double virus barrier

10 Technical Data Treatment capacity 10 m³ / day (24 hours)
Double virus barrier > 7 Log removal according to DIN 19645 Additional oxidation with Inline- Electrolyse cell Fully Automatic Operation Special Wallace & Tiernan control electronic (no PLC) RS 485 Interface for ChemWeb-Server or OPC Server Data Access Auto- Adaptation for UF-backwash cycle time Daily Integrity test of the Ultrafiltration membranes Compact design (dimensions 1,2 m x 1,8 m x 0,8 m) Power consumption approx. 1,5 kWh / m³ filtrat (ca. 15 Cent / m³)

11 Cost Saving Potential - UFOX 10
Cost Saving Potential approx ,- € / Year

12 UFOX 10 Advantages Considerable reduction in operating costs, fresh water, waste water & energy Short amortisation time Fully automated operation with daily function and integrity tests Dual virus barrier with more than 7-log stages acc. to DIN 19645 Continuous monitoring of the filtrate quality by measuring the Redox (ORP) voltage Self-optimising backwash intervals Compact, space saving design

13 Requirements for UFOX Operation
Sludge water tank available Possibility for withdrawal of sludge water Drain possibility for UFOX System Optional: Pressure supply with approx. 6 – 8 bar (90 – 110 PSI) (pressure regulator integrated in UFOX 10) Voltage free contact from sand filter backwash unit (sand filter backwash operation is in process) Voltage free contact from splash water tank (max. level) Usable with more then 12 m³ of filter backwash water (sludge water) per day

14 Backwash water recycling for swimming pools
UFOX 10 Part No. AAD (incl. air compressor) ,- € (list price C2) AAD5749 (for external air supply) ,- € (list price C2)

15 UFOX 10 - Only one EWO Pool- Module

16 Additional possibilities to save costs with EWO Pool- Modules

17 EWO Pool: More Cost Saving Possibilities
Energy- and Water Optimization with: UFOX ECON Pool DEPOLOX Pool Barrier M

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