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Muslim Civilizations. Terms Caliph = Successor of Muhammad Caliphate = Land ruled by the Caliph Arabic = Official Language Arabs= Ruling class of people.

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Presentation on theme: "Muslim Civilizations. Terms Caliph = Successor of Muhammad Caliphate = Land ruled by the Caliph Arabic = Official Language Arabs= Ruling class of people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muslim Civilizations

2 Terms Caliph = Successor of Muhammad Caliphate = Land ruled by the Caliph Arabic = Official Language Arabs= Ruling class of people

3 Islam after Muhammad’s Death Muhammad did not name a successor after his death in 632, not everyone agreed who would succeed him. Abu Bakr one of Muhammad's closest followers succeed him as Caliph. Abu Bakr and his successors conquered Arabia, Persia, Jerusalem, parts of the Byzantine Empire and Egypt. By 661 the Caliphate stretched all the way from Northern Africa to Persia.


5 Islam Muhammad “Blood Line”= Shia Abbasid Dynasty Fatimid Dynasty Supporters= Sunni Umayyad Dynasty

6 Internal Conflict and Division Sunni’s supported Mu’awiya a member of the Umayyad clan Shia’s supported Ali (The Husband of Muhammad’s daughter Fatima) Shia’s supported Ali’s descendants as Caliphs because they believed they were blessed by being related to Muhammad, they believe that these descendants or Imams are the only ones who can interpret the Qur’an. Mu’awiya and Ali are both killed in a civil war to become Caliph and control the Empire Yazid (Mu’awiya’s son)(Sunni) led a battle against Husayn (Shia) (a grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali), there Yazid killed Husayn and claimed power over the caliphate. Due to this event there is still bitter tension between Sunnis and Shia today.

7 Sunni-Shia Divide Today

8 Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 Yazid (Mu’awiya’s son)(Sunni) led a battle against Husayn (Shia) (a grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali), there Yazid killed Husayn and claimed power over the caliphate. Due to this event there is still bitter tension between Sunnis and Shia today. The Umayyad Dynasty was overthrown after being defeated by Christian armies in Europe.


10 Abbasid Dynasty 740-1258 Took control from the Umayyad led by a relative of Muhammad Invited all peoples to become Muslim (instead of just Arabs) Encouraged Trade and Wealth


12 The End of a Unified Islamic Empire Challenges from Europe The Crusades (Jerusalem falls to Europeans in 1099) Spain falls to Christian forces 1085 The Creation of the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt (Shia) Disrupted Trade Seljuk Turks Took over parts of Asia Minor and the Byzantine Empire in 1071 Mamlukes and Mongols Mamluks= enslaved Soldiers in Egypt who took power and attacked the caliphate Mongols= Asian people who conquered and burned the capital of Baghdad in 1258


14 Muslim Society and Culture The Family and Women Women were seen as equals until the rule of the Abbasid dynasty where often they were confined to Harems and forced to wear veils Slavery Slaves were an important part of the economy and often came from non Islamic parts of the empire. Slaves were to be treated fairly. The Economy Trade was a major part of the Caliphates Long Distance trade within many parts of the Indian Ocean

15 Arts Muslim Art did not often contain human or animal figures instead they used geometric patterns or floral designs (arabesque) Calligraphy is a unique style of writing often used in art. Mosques – Domes and minarets (tall towers from which the call to prayer is played) Literature – Arabian Nights


17 Islam





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