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First Amendment Poster Activity CE.3B. First Amendment Cases I am going to break you up into groups of 2-3 Each group is going to have a DIFFERENT Supreme.

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Presentation on theme: "First Amendment Poster Activity CE.3B. First Amendment Cases I am going to break you up into groups of 2-3 Each group is going to have a DIFFERENT Supreme."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Amendment Poster Activity CE.3B

2 First Amendment Cases I am going to break you up into groups of 2-3 Each group is going to have a DIFFERENT Supreme Court case that involves an issue about the First Amendment Each group will read their Amendment before creating a poster Which you will present… for a grade… all must talk

3 Presentation Poster Must Include: – A. Title: Deals with the case (SAME NAME IS OK) – B. 1-2 pictures: From the case. Must be directly related! – Draw on computer paper and glue – C. One paragraph summary of what happened This can be stapled onto the poster – D. Facts case (should be about 4) (What is important, who’s involved, what happened, etc.) For this: Just take your paragraph and use the information to make bullet points – E. What part(s) of the first Amendment are at issue in the case You can use bullet points. List the freedom and explain why you know it is that freedom using facts of the case Many of these cases are more than one freedom EX: Religion: During this case, this happened and this fits religion because….. – F. Outcome: How did this case change how the First Amendment affected our lives? – You can use bullet points to explain your answer. Jobs: You Pick who does what… Or I pick 1.Leader Reads, keeps group on task, and does summary + facts of poster Parts C & D 2.Poster Maker Creates the poster + Title, draws the pictures Parts A & B 3.Writer Writes part of Amendment + outcome Parts E & F

4 P4 Tinker v Des Moines Sydney Meredith Jordan Texas v Johnson Michael Dale Kevin Morse v Frederick Luke Jake Sedell Andrew Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier Parker Haley Aaron Walker Santa Fe v Doe Tatiana Giselle Hailey Bethel School District v Fraser Brandon Diego Luis Oscar West Virginia v Barnette Lyric Kylee Lesley Alessandra Schenck v USA Kayla Matthew Jacob Stelmach

5 P5 Tinker v Des Moines Hannah Nshira Joana Texas v Johnson Jacob Temi Amber Morse v Frederick Katherine Maria Kevin Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier Meelod Oscar Jason Santa Fe v Doe Brooke Ariana Priyasha Bethel School District v Fraser Victor Kanzah Cassidy West Virginia v Barnette Nick Cameron Jhon Schenck v USA Julio Rodrigo Axel

6 P1 Tinker v Des Moines Madi Tori Lauren Texas v Johnson Amin Bronco Seth Matthew Morse v Frederick Naya Kiara Lily Monica Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier Emelly Paola Zulmy Kathy Santa Fe v Doe Katie Arabela John Julia Bethel School District v Fraser Alexis Michelle Omari Fareeha West Virginia v Barnette Eric Collin Connor Nick Gino Schenck v USA Rachael Amy Thomas

7 P2 Tinker v Des Moines Kylah Liz Madison Texas v Johnson Abner Erick Gerrado Morse v Frederick Jake Decoress Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier Casey Mary Faith Abby Santa Fe v Doe Aleena Jocelyne Shanyah Bethel School District v Fraser Alberto Erinc Dylan West Virginia v Barnette Gurleen Guadlupe Vanessa Schenck v USA Jason Marcos Willan

8 P3 Tinker v Des Moines Jaren Adam Kelvin Texas v Johnson Doris D’Juan Natalie Morse v Frederick Lilian Natalie Mariana Angela Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier Gizela Nini Abia Santa Fe v Doe Reymond Chris William Bethel School District v Fraser Sheyla Sabrina Andrea West Virginia v Barnette Noah Mustafa Josh Schenck v USA Kennedi Adori

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