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January 10 th, 2012 Today’s Agenda Take notes on the cell, filling out your cell tables Daily Activity Get out your packets. Open to table in the middle.

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Presentation on theme: "January 10 th, 2012 Today’s Agenda Take notes on the cell, filling out your cell tables Daily Activity Get out your packets. Open to table in the middle."— Presentation transcript:


2 January 10 th, 2012 Today’s Agenda Take notes on the cell, filling out your cell tables Daily Activity Get out your packets. Open to table in the middle of the packet and prepare to take notes. FOR TODAY ONLY: Sit in the front 8 desks…if you mess up while in this formation, I will remove you from class.

3 Cells Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living things. Many different types of cells but we will focus on Plant and Animal cells. Contain smaller compartments called organelles which each have a specific function.

4 Two Basic Cell Types 1 ) Prokaryote – Lacks internal compartments. – No true nucleus. – Most are single-celled (unicellular) organisms. – Examples: bacteria

5 Two Basic Cell Types 2) Eukaryote – Has several internal structures (organelles). – True nucleus. – Either unicellular or multicellular. unicellular example: yeast multicellular examples: plants and animals

6 Plasma Membrane Also called the Cell Membrane. Outermost portion of the cell. Keeps all the pieces of the cell inside. Characterization: Purse or human skin.

7 Cilia Fine, whip like/hair like structures that are on the outside of the cell. Help the cell move and helps move liquid past the surface of the cell. Characterization: Flippers

8 Cytoplasm Fluid that fills the cell. Made of dissolved amino acids, sugars and fatty acids the cell uses to function. Characterization: Filling of Ding Dong, Or the Jell-O in Raspberry Jell-O.

9 Microfilaments Long, thin, stringy proteins Provide structure that helps the cell move, keep it’s shape, and move organelles Helps form the cytoskeleton. Characterization: Expansion Joints

10 Microtubules Thick, Strong fibers shaped like tubes. Move vesicles, granules and other organelles Important for cell division. Characterization: Conveyor Belt

11 Vesicles Store or transport substances in and out of the cell. Characterization: Mail Man

12 Mitochondria Provide the energy the cell needs to move, divide and contract. Produces ATP = primary source of energy for the cell. Characterization: Power Plant

13 Vacuoles Storage Bubbles. Store nutrients and wastes until they can get transported out of the cell. Found mostly in plants, but also found in animals. Characterization: Storage Bin, or a Water Jug

14 Lysosome Holds enzymes created by the cell. Function is to digest things. Work in low oxygen and pH zones Characterization: Sewage Treatment Plant

15 Peroxisome Similar to Lysosomes, however they only dissolve things that are harmful to the cell. Require oxygen rich environment. Mostly break down Hydrogen Peroxide into water and Oxygen Characterization: Police

16 Ribosome Used to produce proteins which are used as enzymes to support most functions of the cell. Build chains of proteins, one amino acid at a time. Characterization: Construction Workers

17 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Network of membranes throughout the cell. Looks like a bunch of tubes put together. Important for storage within the cell. Usually stores steroids. Characterization: Storage Unit

18 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Synthesis and Packaging of proteins. Looks like a bunch of tubes put together covered in ribosomes. Characterization: Packing Plant

19 Golgi Apparatus/Body Membrane Bound vesicle that packages microtubules for transportation elsewhere in the cell. Builds Lysosomes Characterization: Packaging Plant

20 Nucleus Contains the DNA of the cell. Controls the eating, moving and reproduction of the cell. Characterization: The Brain

21 Chromosomes Carry the genes of the cell. Makes the cell what it is. Characterization: The Brain

22 Nucleolus Produces Ribosomes Characterization: Production Facility

23 Plant Cells: Different Organelles Cell Wall Protective “box” around the plasma membrane and the cell. Give the cell its shape Allow plants to grow to great heights. Characterization: Balloon in a cardboard box.

24 Chloroplasts Produce food for the cell. Converts energy of the sun into sugars. Characterization: Sugar Production Facility

25 Vacuoles Very Large Hold water A plant cell changes size depending on the amount of water present in the vacuole. Characterization: Water Balloon

26 Types of Solutions

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