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Traveller Education Strategy: issues and possibilities Máirín Kenny Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "Traveller Education Strategy: issues and possibilities Máirín Kenny Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traveller Education Strategy: issues and possibilities Máirín Kenny Ireland

2 Traveller Education Strategy: Policy context  The 1995 Task Force Report, and ensuing Monitoring Committee Reports set targets for recognition, respect, effective participation and equal status in education  Education Act 1998 enshrines respect for diversity  Equal Status Act 2000 and other equality legislation prohibits discrimination on nine grounds, including the ‘race’ ground and the Traveller ground (separate grounds)  The Equality Authority’s work  Department of Education & Science Guidelines on Traveller education; and Intercultural curriculum guidelines

3 Travellers and Roma in Ireland  Traveller population: approx 24,000 persons  Roma: recent arrivals (last ten years), population perhaps 3,000 and growing. No official statistics on Roma in schools; as foreign nationals, they have access to English language tuition.  Under the terms of the Equal Status Act (2000)  Roma are an ethnic group (the ‘race’ ground).  Travellers are a separate ground, or category.  Subtle and silenced cultures

4 Travellers in education Placement, progress and policy

5 Travellers in Irish society: completed education levels

6 Travellers in second level school in 1989/90 and 2005/06, by class

7 Non-formal sector education provision for Travellers  Preschools : 500 out of perhaps 1200 have access; variable quality of curricula, resources etc.  Training Centres (STTCs): c. 900 late teen and older Travellers enrolled. Identified issues and potential:  Can be a nucleus in promoting community development and education opportunity  Segregated; variable programme quality; difficulties in certification and progression; can attract young people out of formal education at age fifteen  Integrated options for early school leavers available

8 Current policy development – key aims  equality of access, to all levels of education provision  equality of participation, in inclusive settings at all levels and in all sectors  equality of outcome in terms of attainment and in terms of progression to higher levels  All informed by recognition of the rights of the child [learner] both as individual and as member of their community

9 For good formal education outcomes, keep the balls in the air… Attendance Attainment Progression Retention Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be

10 Traveller/Roma learner in context: challenges to all Attendance Attainment Progression Retention Peers InstitutionsFamily/community What can I/we/they learn? Where do I/we/they belong? Who am I/who are we/they? What can I/we/they become? Society Self other …

11 Promoting Traveller access to high level education: a community based approach  Identity and Belonging  Foster a rich knowledgeable sense of identity  Diversify learners’ options within the identity profile  Embed high expectations in the culture  Ownership and Equality  Engage Travellers as partners in formal education planning and provision  Build family/community ownership of provision  Provide empowering resources

12 Travellers and Roma and Education Teaching everybody about everybody

13 Concepts and perceptions in policy Case Studies of ICT Use in the Classroom  Learning Difficulties  Specific Learning Disability  Specific Speech & Language Disorder  Traveller Education  Non-English Speaking Students  Dyspraxia..... (National Centre for Technology in Education (2000: 36-41)

14 Teaching racism/teaching inclusion Entrenched racism: Entrenched racism: Invisibility of group ->hostility to group Implicit/Silence: Implicit/Silence: Treat all the same -> nominal mention Inclusion: Inclusion:Anti-racism policy and codes of practice that explicitly include Travellers and Roma Rich, knowledgeable intercultural curricula for all learners at all levels Community partnership in provision System capacity requires: System capacity requires: anti-racism & interculturalism informing professional development for all, at all levels in the education system

15 Everybody learning about everybody Curriculum goals are to enable every child:  to construct a knowledgeable, confident self-identity  to develop comfortable, empathetic, and just interaction with diversity  to develop critical thinking and the skills for standing up for oneself and others in the face of injustice Louise Derman-Sparks, 1998 p. ix National Curriculum Council: National Curriculum Council: Intercultural education -  respects, celebrates and recognises the normality of diversity  promotes equality and human rights, challenges unfair discrimination, promotes the values upon which equality is built

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