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Compiling and Exploiting a Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing Norbert G. Berger K.F.University Graz / ELC, University of Exeter Dissertanten Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Compiling and Exploiting a Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing Norbert G. Berger K.F.University Graz / ELC, University of Exeter Dissertanten Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compiling and Exploiting a Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing Norbert G. Berger K.F.University Graz / ELC, University of Exeter Dissertanten Seminar Univ. Prof. Bernhard Kettemann WS 2003/4, 28.11.2003

2 Compiling and Exploiting Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing 1.Introduction, rationale (5 mins) 2.Explaining process of student and teacher work (10 mins) 3.Showing sample stats & data processing (5 mins) 4.Identifying assumptions and areas to study (5 mins) 5.Showing analysis of some data (10 mins) 6.Discussion and schedule (10 mins)

3 The Learner Corpus: First draft, feedback and final version

4 Student and Teacher work-flow

5 Statistics: Kommetter 1st (338) and final (115) Vocabulary mistake 8121 Unclear 739 Phrase construction 273 Prepositions 208 Use of source material 182 Article 1615 Number of noun 15 Verb tense 910

6 Aggregating statistics Markin can generate statistics from multiple files.

7 Some assumptions

8 Presessional projects 2003

9 Presessional 2002 projects & writing

10 Austrian students 2002

11 What next? Detailed analysis of some points of interest. Applying results to teaching and self- study materials

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