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Why Talk about Mentoring? JANUARY 2014 Focus CBC Residencies in Christian Leadership.

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2 Why Talk about Mentoring? JANUARY 2014 Focus Groups @ CBC Residencies in Christian Leadership

3 Mentoring Relationships  May be formalized or informally “happen,” initiated from either side  Possible for any life transition; common with older youth and younger adults.  Have an exploratory beginning, a productive middle, and a relational transition.

4 What Gets Mentored?  Faith development & ministry skills (discipleship)  Friendship skills & business relationships  Family life, marriage & parenting  Fundamental crafts like cooking, lawn care & cars  Fun stuff like fishing, golf & music

5 History of Mentoring Time-honoredContemporary

6 Why Mentoring?  Graduates who told Gallup that they had a professor or professors “who cared about them as a person — or had a mentor who encouraged their goals and dreams and/or had an internship where they applied what they were learning — were twice as likely to be engaged with their work and thriving in their overall well-being.”  Only 22 percent of college grads surveyed said they had such a mentor and 29 percent had an internship where they applied what they were learning. So less than a third were exposed to the things that mattered most.

7 Mentoring Gift #1  Recognition as a witness to life  “Moses told his father-in-law everything …” (8) (Listening)  “His father-in-law saw everything that Moses was doing …” (14) (Observing)

8 Mentoring Gift #2  Support through affirmation  “I, your father-in-law Jethro, am coming to you …” (6) (Presence)  “Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good things …” (9) (Identification)

9 Mentoring Gift #3  Challenge by way of occasional push  “Why do you alone sit as judge while all these people stand around you” (14) (Defining Reality)  “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out.” (17-18) (Creative Tension)

10 Mentoring Gift #4  Inspiration that beckons forward progress  “Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you.” (19) (Wisdom)  “If you do this and God so commands, you will be able …” (23) (Freedom)

11 Mentoring Gift #5  Accountability through vulnerable acknowledgment of weakness  “Now I know …” (11) (Learning)  “Then Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God.” (12) (Dependence)

12 “Good Enough” Mentors  Transitional figures who invite and welcome into new experiences  Role may be that of guide, teacher, sponsor  Bring the superior skill, knowledge, virtue and accomplishment to which the learner aspires.  Rare: Depend on loving and fragile relationships

13 Mentoring Challenges  Young people differ widely in their capacity for evoking and sustaining such relationships.  Many older adults give and receive very little mentoring.  Relationship is vulnerable to exploitation, undercutting, envy, smothering and oppressive control on the part of the mentor.  Mentee may be prone to greedy demanding, clinging admiration, self-denying gratitude or arrogant ingratitude.

14 What is Mentoring?


16 What is Mentoring? Matthew 28:19-20 Mentor = Make disciples (mentees) … Baptizing them … Teaching them …

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