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1 Content Standards Benchmarks Performance Indicators Handout #2.

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1 1 Content Standards Benchmarks Performance Indicators Handout #2

2 2 “In an ever-changing global environment where interdependency abounds the best and highest quality of education is a necessity no longer reserved for the few, but demanded for all. Any other course of action shall doom our future generations and nation to a third-class status.” (Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution)

3 3 “Standards-based reform grew from the common sense notion that student effort and achievement are directly affected by the expectations we have of them.... Research and experience show us that raising expectations— setting high standards—helps our children learn more.” (Making Sense of Standards)

4 4 Five Standards: Technological Literacy Career & Life Planning Skills for Life & Work Structure of Organizations & Work Individual & Community Development Career & Life Skills Standards

5 5 Technological Literacy: Nature of Technology, Use of Technology, Design Career & Life Planning: Self-Awareness, Career Awareness, Career/Life Planning Skills for Life & Work: Thinking & Reasoning, Personal Qualities, Managing Resources, Interpersonal Skills, Managing Information, Nature & Operation of Systems Structure of Organizations and Work: Leadership and Management, Structure of Organizations Individual, Family & Community Dev.

6 6 Define WHAT every student should know and be able to do. Identify essential content. Organize the content of career and life skills.

7 7 Describe more specifically the content of the standards within grade level chunks. Describe WHEN students can reasonably be expected to know a given content. Clustered to acknowledge different rates of learning, and to provide flexibility for curricular choice.

8 8 Performance indicators are one element of the performance standards.

9 9 Are organized by grade levels and linked to a standard and benchmarks Are descriptors of student learning toward a standard Describe what should be in student work Reflect growing sophistication required in student work and performance

10 10 Describe evidence of student learning required by the standard. Include student work and written commentary on evidence of performance indicators in the work.

11 11 Standards are needed to prepare students for the demands of the future as well as the present. Standards represent a shared vision of what all stakeholders can expect students to attain. Standards are necessary to promote high expectations for all students and to bridge the disparities that exist in educational opportunities.

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