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WELCOME David McGhee Chief Executive Officer, ACHD.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME David McGhee Chief Executive Officer, ACHD."— Presentation transcript:


2 WELCOME David McGhee Chief Executive Officer, ACHD

3 Ballot Initiatives 2014: Potential Impact and Plan of Action

4 MARK BALDASSARE Chief Executive Officer, Public Policy Institute of California

5 Ballot Initiatives 2014: Potential Impact and Plan of Action

6 LISA MAAS Executive Director, Californians Allied for Patient Protection

7 Ballot Initiatives 2014: Potential Impact and Plan of Action

8 ANNE MCLEOD Senior Vice President of Health Policy, California Hospital Association


10 Implementing Advocacy Tools & Gaining Insights

11 TOM PETERSEN Executive Director, Association of California Healthcare Districts

12 AB 1805 (Skinner) ACHD Support Eliminates the retroactive Medi-Cal cuts made in 2011 to Distinct Part Skilled Nursing Facilities and removes the threat of access to care for the most vulnerable patients. MEDI-CAL LEGISLATION

13 AMBER WILEY Senior Legislative Advocate, Association of California Healthcare Districts

14 Interactive Map ACHD MEMBER TOOLS

15 Advocacy Center ACHD MEMBER TOOLS My ACHD

16 Legislation ACHD MEMBER TOOLS

17 ACR 110 (Fox) ACHD Sponsor Declares May as Healthcare District month to recognize the essential role that Healthcare Districts have in the communities they serve and throughout California. AB 2604 (Brown) ACHD/ALPHA Fund Oppose Significantly increases the penalty for an unreasonably delayed or refused payment of compensation. HIGH PRIORITY LEGISLATION

18 Prop 42, Public Records & Open Meetings (Brown Act) ACHD/ALPHA Fund Neutral Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act of 2014 (Hospital Fee) ACHD/ALPHA Fund Support The Insurance Rate Public Justification And Accountability Act (Rate Regulation) ACHD Fund Oppose The Troy & Alana Pack Patient Safety Act (MICRA) ACHD/ALPHA Fund Oppose 2014 BALLOT MEASURES OF INTEREST

19 SHEILA JOHNSTON Legislative Advocate, Association of California Healthcare Districts


21 Physician Workforce AB 1838 (Bonilla): Support AB 2458 (Bonilla): Support AB 2232 (Gray): Support SB 841 (Canella): Support Loan Assumption AB 1677 (Gomez): Support ACTIVE MEASURES: ACCESS TO CARE

22 Community Health: AB 2213 (Eggman): Support AB 2413 (Perez): Support SB 949 (Jackson): Support ACTIVE MEASURES: COMMUNITY HEALTH

23 Federally Qualified Health Centers: SB 1081 (Hernandez) SB 1150 (Hueso) MEASURES TO WATCH: CLINICS

24 Community Health: SB 1000 (Monning) HOT WATCH


26 This is your opportunity to: Build relationships Make your voice heard Define your Future! LEGISLATIVE VISITS

27 Assembly Budget, Education Finance: 9:00am, Room 444 Assembly Business & Profession: 9:00am, Room 447 Assembly Judiciary: 9:00am, Room 4202 Assembly Public Safety: 9:00am, Room 126 Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife: 9:00am, Room 437 Senate Governmental Organization: 9:30am, Room 4203 Senate Natural Resources and Water: 9:30am, Room 112 Senate Public Safety: 9:30am, Room 3191 COMMITTEE HEARING SCHEDULE



30 Innovation…Transparency and Community Relations

31 TOM PETERSEN Executive Director, Association of California Healthcare Districts


33 As Public Entities, Healthcare Districts have well defined obligations for conducting the public’s business Trustee awareness of the obligations vary The public’s awareness of the obligations vary THE ISSUE

34 Non-compliance with obligations expose the Districts to risk of:  Negative press  FPPC sanctions  Grand Jury reviews  Legislative initiatives THE IMPLICATIONS

35 Define measures of compliance with statutory obligations Document HCD compliance efforts Communicate HCD compliance efforts to:  Community  Legislators  Media THE SOLUTION

36 Transparency Website Content Executive Compensation and Benefits State Agency Reporting Financial CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS

37 Phase 1: soft launch focused on ACHD Board Member Districts Phase 2: expand the Certification to all Member Districts PHASED APPROACH


39 DAYMON DOSS Chief Executive Officer, Mark Twain Healthcare District Healthcare District Perspectives KATHY GRECO Chief Executive Officer, Desert Healthcare District BRENDA TAUSSIG Government and Community Relations Manager, El Camino Healthcare District

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