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A Day In The Life Of MeA Day In The Life Of Me Saturday 9th Of May 2009Saturday 9th Of May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "A Day In The Life Of MeA Day In The Life Of Me Saturday 9th Of May 2009Saturday 9th Of May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Day In The Life Of MeA Day In The Life Of Me Saturday 9th Of May 2009Saturday 9th Of May 2009

2 9.00 I have normally just woken up, and am sat in bed reading my magazine called ‘Shout’. 9.40 I go out into the kitchen get my self breakfast, a fruit salad (I made the night before because I was bored). 10.00 I get dressed out of my pyjamas, get changed into my jeans, pony tee-shirt and jumper. (I wear these clothes at home, to do the animals). I then brushed my teeth, tied my hair up and went out side. A Shout Magazine

3 10.15 I went out to see Pinkie and Perky, our ducklings which are almost fully grown call ducks now, I took them out to the duck pond, to have a swim (Its really muddy and dirty). 10.20 While Pinkie and Perky were in the duck pond, I groomed Pip, my older cousins old pony, who we look after in the summer. 10.45 I finished grooming Pip, then I put Pinkie and Perky back in there cage. Pinkie And Perky Pip

4 10.50 I went into the kitchen and then cleaned out our newest, cute and fluffy ducklings; they don’t have names yet. 11.00 I played with the baby ducklings in the kitchen for a while (They are not old enough to go out side yet). 11.05 I started getting ready to go into Launceston, which is where I go to go to dance, it takes 10 minutes to get to town from my house; dance starts at 11.15 and costs £3.50. I go with my friends hazel and Becki. Dance lasts for an hour. The Three New Baby Ducklings Launceston Castle

5 12.15pm Dance has normally finished by now, me and mum get the things we want in town including some dinner; which is normally a pasty, a pasty consists of meat (Beef), Swede, potato, onion and a short crust pastry covering. (A pasty is a traditional Cornish food). 1.00pm Me and mum had just came home, we had bought my dad, and my sister Lauren a pasty for lunch. 1.30pm We had just finished lunch. Me and Lauren normally have a chocolate muffin each, Mum and dad just have a cup of tea. Ingredients ½ a Swede, peeled and diced 275g (10 oz) plain flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 100g (4 oz) butter, diced 100ml (4 fl oz) water 600g (1 1/3 lb) rump steak, cubed 1 onion, chopped 2 potatoes, peeled and diced salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons milk Preparation method Heat the oven to 230 C / Gas mark 8. To make the pastry: Sift flour, salt and baking powder together in a bowl. Add butter and rub together to form crumbs. Mix in water. If dough is sticky, add more flour. Roll pastry out until about.5cm thick. Cut out six circles, each about 14cm round. Do not stretch the dough too much. Mix meat and vegetables together. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cover half of each pasty circle with the filling. Moisten pastry edges and fold pastry over the filling. Press edges together with a fork. Transfer pasties onto a baking tray, brush tops with milk and make a small slit in each top to allow steam to escape. Bake at 230 C / Gas mark 8 for 10 minutes. Then, reduce heat to 180 C / Gas mark 4 and bake for 35 minutes. A Cornish Pasty Recipe

6 1.30pm Dad went out and did some building, mum went out and did some gardening because it was sunny (In Cornwall it’s almost raining all the time!). I stayed in and did my DT homework while Lauren played on the Nintendo wii; on Mario Kart Wii (We go the Nintendo Wii as a Christmas present last year.) 2.00pm I finished my DT homework. 2.20pm I was out on the trampoline with Lauren messing around; having fun. A Nintendo Wii Our Trampoline

7 2.30pm I got the baby ducklings out, I put them on the kitchen floor to run around, I then raced them up and down the hall way, it was fun! 3.00pm I went out side and helped dad paint the last wall of the new garage white. 3.45pm I went on the computer played on a game called star island, I couldn’t complete the levels so I gave up. Play online at… m/Star-Island.html Our Bungalow Star Island

8 4.30pm Me, mum and Lauren cycled down to see my great Nan; who lives in Altarnun, we stayed there for a while; had something to eat and drink. 6.00pm When we got back home; dad had cooked homemade chicken nuggets and chips. 6.30pm After tea, I went to shut the other ducks and chickens we have in, this is because we live in the country and there are foxes around. One Of Our Chickens Called Pom One Of Our Ducks Called Tiny

9 7.00pm I came back inside sat on the sofa and watched TV the ‘ Ant and Dec Saturday night take away show’ it was really good. 8.00pm At 8pm I went to have a shower and wash my hair. 8.20pm I had come out of the shower blow dried my hair, straightened it and fed my fish called ‘Cleo’ who is a fantailed goldfish. My Fish Called Cleo My Straighteners

10 8.30pm I turned on my TV, got my sisters DVD of ‘Madagascar 2: escape to Africa’ which was really good. 9.30pm The DVD had finished at 9.30pm, I was really tired so I went to sleep earlier, normally on a weekend I go to bed at 10.00pm ish. Madagascar 2

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