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Aluminum bats vs Wood bats By: Sam. What aluminum bats are made of and how  Aluminum bats consist of manly just aluminum. They but them in a 3 ton comperes.

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Presentation on theme: "Aluminum bats vs Wood bats By: Sam. What aluminum bats are made of and how  Aluminum bats consist of manly just aluminum. They but them in a 3 ton comperes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aluminum bats vs Wood bats By: Sam

2 What aluminum bats are made of and how  Aluminum bats consist of manly just aluminum. They but them in a 3 ton comperes to shape the end of the bat. Then they soak it in water to get any oily substances off. Then they put it into a 4 ton comperes to shape the whole bat. Next they put on the grip. After that they but on any logos or decals.

3 What wooden bats are made of and how  Wood bats are made out of wood. There are many different types of wood bats but they all hit the same. At the Louisville slugger bat factory they make it out of ash wood. In ten seconds a machine called a Lathe makes the wood bats many shape. Then it gets sanded by a machine and by hand. The company logo and model name is then branded into the bat and a final radial sand is given. Finally the bat is dipped in tarnish and hung to dry.

4 Benefits of using a Aluminum bat in a game  Aluminum bats are much better to use in games then wooden bats for a few reasons. 1 st They are much lighter because they are hollow. This means you can get the bat around the plate much quicker. 2 nd reason is that they have a much larger sweet spot. The sweet spot of the bat is on the barrel. The 3 rd reason is the something called the trampoline effect. This happens when you hit the ball. When a baseball hits an aluminum bat it tends to react like an object hitting a trampoline and bouncing back off it. When the ball bounces off of an aluminum bat, the ball gets increased speed from the pitch. This means that when you hit a ball with an aluminum bat you are not only using the energy from your swing you are also using the ball's own energy. This actually benefits the batter against a fast pitcher. When college changed to aluminum bats in 1974 people saw the change in stats frim player to player. They found out that the teams batting averages went up about twenty points and the home- run production about doubled.

5 Benefits of using a Aluminum bat in practice  It help to use it to get used to the bat you use. You can also use a heavy metal bat to get stronger. It also helps you to learn how well you can hit.

6 Benefits of using a wooden bat in a game  There are not many reasons why this helps you in a game. One thing it does do is that it keeps the game more competitive. This is because the people aren’t getting hits after hit. This only helps for the people playing though most people want to see a 8-9 game rather then a 2-1. Also with wooden bats you have to try much harder and get a hard swing with it.

7 Benefits of using a wood bat in practice  Wooden bats force a hitter to develop better mechanics and approach to the ball by getting more feedback with contact. Also it has them use more then just the bat and your arms to hit the ball. Although many coach's have there kids use their whole body when using aluminum bats when they don't they can still mange to hit the ball hard enough for a hit in a gap. With wood bats when you don’t use your whole body you hit a weak ground ball. when you get to the game you will have practice using your whole body and will hit the ball harder if you are using an aluminum bat.

8 safety All bats are dangerous. With aluminum and wood bats f you let go, throw or hit some one with your bat they can get injured. With aluminum bats you hit the ball much harder with aluminum bats the ball can come back at the pitcher very fast and hit them. With wooden bats when the bat breaks it can hit some one and hurt them because it is very heavy and sharp.

9 Example 1 a bullet gains speed when it ricochets off an approaching artillery shell, but looses almost all of its energy when shot into a wooden block.

10 Example 2  When you drop a baseball on a wooden surface it still bounces but not that high like a high. Then take an empty aluminum pop can. Then drop the ball off that and it will bounce much higher because it is like an aluminum bat.

11 Which bat is the best  The aluminum bat is much better then the wooden bat when used in a game. You hit the ball much further. For practice wood bat helps because you learn to use your whole body to hit the ball. Neither of the bats are safe and can injure someone very bad.

12 Proving that a how aluminum bats hit further

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