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Meeting Trends: Global, Asia and Korea Korea Convention Bureau 2008. 11. 18.

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1 Meeting Trends: Global, Asia and Korea Korea Convention Bureau 2008. 11. 18

2 MICE? World MICE industry MICE in Korea The role of KTO The challenge and future of Korean MICE industry = Contents =


4 What is MICE? Meeting, Incentive Travel, Convention, Exhibition The MICE industry is a very important sector of the tourism industry. There is much evidence to substantiate such claim.

5 Economic Aspect High value-added industry Seamless Industry creating large scale employment High-tech industry introducing the latest technology The importance of MICE industry

6 Socio-cultural Aspect The importance of MICE industry Development of regional culture & further globalization of the region Improvement of city environment & citizenship Strengthening international amity and peace

7 Attracting a wealth of tourists MICE delegate could become a future tourist The importance of MICE industry Promoting A Country Efficiently, minimizing expenditure Increases international influence & accelerates nongovernmental diplomacy Tourism Aspect

8 World MICE Industry

9 Global and Continental Trends in International Meetings Source : UIA, International Meetings Statistics 2007 Global and Continental Trends in International Meetings(1950-2007)

10 World Meetings Industry: A Breakdown Australasia/Pacific 3.2% Africa 3.9% The Americas 19.2% Asia 19.9% Europe 53.8% Geographic distribution of international meetings in 2007(by continent) * Total : 10,318

11 World Meetings Industry 20032004200520062007 meetings 12,37612,12311,48410,44310,318 Decreasing trend in the number of international meetings (UIA) (unit: no. of meetings)

12 TOP International Meeting Countries in 2007 Republic of Korea is Ranked 15th (268 meetings) (unit: no. of meetings) USA France Germany Singapore Japan 598 1114 523 466 448 1 2 3 4 5

13 Top 5 International Meeting Countries in Asia in 2007 (top 5,unit: No. of meetings) Singapore Japan Korea China India 466 448 268 255 111 1 2 3 4 5 * (incl. Hong Kong & Macau)

14 Top International Meeting Cities in 2007 ( unit: No. of meetings) ▷ Top 10 cities : Europe 6, Asia 3, the Americas 1 Jeju 39 th 0.48% Busan 45 th 0.41% 1 10 9 Seoul

15 Top 11 International Meeting Cities in Asia 10 th 11 th Seoul Busan Jeju (Top 11 cities, unit : No.of meetings) 3 rd

16 MICE in Korea

17 Government ’ s initiatives KTO supports hosting Int’l Meetings 1979~ 1996 Enactment of Convention Promotion Law 2006. 5 Basic Strategy to bring up the convention industry – 20 basic schemes 2003~ Creating Convention specializing body ’05 - ’07 Nominating Convention City : 5 cities

18 Asia-Europe (ASEM) Meeting PATA Annual Conference JCI World Congress 2005 APEC Korea Major Meetings in Korea ASTA World Travel Congress 19651995 2000 1983 2005 2006 2007 2010 The 46th Orient & Southeast Asia Lions Forum 17th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 78th Lions Clubs International Convention

19 Convention Centres in Korea COEX EXCO ICC JejuKINTEX CECO BEXCO Kim DaeJung Convention Center Songdo Conventia Suwon 2000. 5. 16 2001. 9. 16 2005. 4. 29 2001. 4. 19 2003. 3. 22 2005. 9. 6 2005. 9. 9 (projected to open after 2009) (2008.10.7) Official openings of convention centres Daejeon Convention Center 2008. 4. 21

20 Convention and Visitors Bureaus in Korea Korea Convention Bureau 1979 Busan CVB 2004 Jeju CVB 2005 Seoul CVB 2005 Daegu CVB 2003 Daejeon CVB 2005 KCA 2006 Gwangju CVB 2007 Renamed Seoul Tourism Organization in 2008

21 International Meetings in Korea ▶ Ranking & Number of Meetings

22 Tigers of the Decade (1998-2007) and Korea Countries with greater than 50% growth in international meetings Source : UIA, International Meetings Statistics 2007

23 Seoul in the World [ranking] ( 순위 )

24 Seoul in Asia [ranking] ( 순위 )

25 Evaluation of the MICE Industry in Korea ① Appointment of convention sites: 5 cities including Seoul, Busan, among others. ② ▶ Development of MICE industry in local cities ③ Expansion & improvement of regional CVB & convention centers/facilities Remarkable advances made by Busan & Jeju

26 Increase in the number of international meetings held in regional cities ④ <Regional cities> % % % % % % % % % ▶ Development of the MICE industry in regional cities Evaluation of the MICE Industry in Korea

27 The role of KTO

28 Plann -ing Bidding & hosting support Control & Coop KTO PRMKT Market Research Int ’ l Association Convention Center PCO HOTEL Hosting Org. Global PCO DMC Global company Regional CVB Government Train- ing Administrative assistance Sales support infrastructure PR/MKT activities PR Management assistance Reservation Bidding& hosting support High quality service Structure of Korean MICE Industry & KTO

29 MICE industry promotion support MICE support system Marketing Activities Fostering MICE fundamentals MICE related DB Global MICE trade shows, Overseas roadshow, PR & ADs, FAM tours for MICE Media & related VIPs Publishing brochures & PR materials Organizing KCF, Research studies, Int ’ l cooperation, Training courses for the MICE professionals R&D, On-line information system, Statistic report “ Conventions in Korea ”, Convention calendar Bidding support Int ’ l promotion support Hosting event support

30 Bidding Support Process Planning Letter of Intent Formal Proposal Site Inspection Canvassing Final Presentation Success of Bidding Advisory Work Development facilitation support Inspection Planning, On-site Support Providing Promotional Materials Supporting Presentation Preparation Support Planning Feasibility Analysis, Budget Estimation Local Bidding Committee : KTO :

31 Event Support Process Local Host Committee Organizing Host Committee Master Planning Overseas Promotional Activities Action Planning PR & Arrangement ExecutionReporting Supporting Master Planning Supportive activities for Overseas Promotion, Coordination on Room Blocking Financial Support ( Printings, souvenirs, Performances, Tour Programs) Impact Analysis (Participants, expenditures) Participation in Host Committee KTO : :

32 The challenge & future of Korean MICE industry

33 Challenges for Korean MICE industry Will Korea keep up or lag behind? What is required in order to improve efficiency?. Alliances with neighboring countries. Making the MICE industry of top priority

34 SWOT analysis on Korean MICE industry Strength Lack of MICE experts Lack of price competitiveness du to the high prices Negative impression caused by North Korea Weakness Opportunities Threats Increased competitiveness in Asia Increased use of Video conferencing & virtual meeting Over-supplied domestic convention infrastructure Accessibility Hi- technology Strong will of Government Expansion of Corporate meeting market Increase economic exchange Economic growth in Asia ((China, India) M I C E G-10 2010

35 Factors to be Improved Lack of promotion strategy & arbitrative role Lack of professional human resourcesLack of overseas positioning as a MICE destination Relatively high prices

36 Goals & Expected Impacts * Average spediture per MICE delegate : $2,488 Types of event 20062007200820092010 Int’l Meetings 420473577704859 79,17798,677123,346154,183192,729 Incentive groups -111,088155,000209,250282,488 Corporate meetings --40,00060,00080,000 Total--312,346423,433555,217 Economic impact (mill. KRW) 792,0451,053,5011,381,380 - Total # of MICE delegates

37 Korean MICE industry in 10 years 1. Reaching G-10 2. Vitalization of regional cities 3. Improvement of MICE infrastructure 4. Increased rate of foreign participants 5. MICE pushing tourism industry growth

38 Plans for the Korean MICE 2018 MICE Visitors & Economic Impact

39 Sustainable strategy 1. Excavating MICE events with more than 1,000 foreign participants 2. Stronger action in inviting MICE events 3. Continuous effort on firming foundation ○ MICE information System ○ Overseas marketing Activities ○ Fostering MICE experts ○ Developing infrastructure ○ Globalization of PCOs ○ Improving related policies

40 Yuna ’ s Success Story She was fully aware of…… First, What her strengths are (Core Competence) Second, What she needs to be equipped with (Requirement) Third, How & what she needs to prepare (Strategic Planning) To leverage what she has been given & overcome the obstacles!

41 감사합니다. Thank you

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