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16-264 Final Project: Simplified driving skills By: Alex Muñoz.

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Presentation on theme: "16-264 Final Project: Simplified driving skills By: Alex Muñoz."— Presentation transcript:

1 16-264 Final Project: Simplified driving skills By: Alex Muñoz

2 What is street legal driving? Minimal legal skills What is a driver’s test? What street features must a driver handle?

3 For my project: Demonstrate 90 degree turns Being able to drive through an intersection Stopping at a predefined location

4 How I did it and results Using a modified drive7 from our homework Rebuilt track from scratch Adjusted steering controls to handle turns, intersections, and stops

5 Further work and improvements Smooth out turning on right angle turns Add more complex intersections Improve decision making at intersections

6 QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Thank you for your time

7 References DMV image: indowsLiveWriter/DMVListofallUSDepartmentofMotorVehicles _9796/DMV_thumb.jpg indowsLiveWriter/DMVListofallUSDepartmentofMotorVehicles _9796/DMV_thumb.jpg Software: Bandicam: Handbrake: ODE dynamic simulation

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