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Buurtzorg & Ecare.

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Presentation on theme: "Buurtzorg & Ecare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buurtzorg & Ecare

2 Meet Ecare Omaha System Our solutions (demo)

3 Mission Ecare “Help improve the quality of care , by developing smart software that supports the caregiver”

4 Because the Dutch healthcare system is based on old-fashioned principles

5 As a result we have become accustomed to talking in the healthcare sector on
price x quantity Financieel proces Doelstelling overhead = 3 – 5 %

6 ```` From back to front??

7 While we are dealing with
People !

8 So rather place humanity above bureaucracy!

9 How?

10 How does it work? For example,Buurtzorgweb was developed to enable effective schedule planning for the nurses and to create a forum to sharing experiences and innovative solutions. At the result while nurses at other health care organisations need to fill in printed forms, that are administrated by others, nurses at buurtzorg can log in to their own system and fill in their administration such as client registration, treatment times and communication history.

11 From front to back!

12 BUURTZORG best employer in 2015!
“Put the profession back in the hands of the employees”

13 Buurtzorg method Self-managing teams Minimize administration
Let IT support the primary process so nurses can do their work Use the community Give insight into team results Rode streep erdoor

14 Buurtzorg team

15 Minimize administration

16 Primary proces

17 Welinked ‘The community’

18 Team insight

19 Team insight Geel = cliëntenpopulatie

20 Omaha System Poppetje geel

21 Developments in health care mean that:
more and more people continue to live at home independently for longer. more care and welfare professionals must work at local level. Unity of language is important. It ensures transparency and standardized information on deployment, content and effect of care

22 How effective is our record-keeping?
We write a lot but this has not led to ‘knowledge’ In addition, the payer determines the 'information' Rode streep erdoor

23 How did it start? The desire to describe dimensions of care for men
Unity of language and logic model as: Resource in daily practice Knowledgebase Identify Define and capture Management of information Communicate and share

24 How did it start? Information remains hidden in everyday practice
What do caregivers and social workers? Why? What happens to clients? What makes the difference in outcomes?

25 How did it start? USA Community based care Public Health Home Health

26 When it started? 1975 – 1993 4 research projects American government
Scientific basis, validated developed by health profesionals Public domain: no license!

27 What is the Omaha System?
Classification Terminology system - Code system

28 What is the result? Designed to support and improve the: - Daily practice - Recordkeeping/documentation - Information Management - Holistic - Easy to handle / volume - Understandable / simple

29 Suitable for individuals, families, communities regardless:
What is the result? 1. Entire care process (assessment, actions, outcomes) 2. Selfcare, selfmanagement 3. Multidisciplinary Suitable for individuals, families, communities regardless: Age Location Medical diagnose Social-economic setting Religion Etnicity Culture



32 Three linked parts Classification/assessment
42 problems, signs and symptoms/ modifiers measurement a problem; scale-scores Method to evaluate the process, client outcomes, 5 point scale Status: severity of the signals Knowledge: Is the client aware of the problem Behavior: how the client behaves Actions 42 problems x 4 intervention categories x 75 actions planned or done

33 Method

34 Health Analytics Ecare is ready for this!
Health care is changing, the focus is on impact and quality of care. Classified records Many cases analysed Accurate analyses ‘ANALYZING CLIENT CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS IN HOME HEALTH CARE’ Ecare is ready for this!

35 Health analytics

36 Standardize, structure and classify, it is no more difficult than this!
Vrouwtje aan het bed


38 Coming up Mid 2016 The English version of: Buurtzorgweb Community
Assessmenttool Clientkompas


40 Thanks for your attention and have a safe trip back to Scotland!

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