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Athens during Greece’s Classical Age Setting the Historical Stage for the Political Foundations of Western Civilization.

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1 Athens during Greece’s Classical Age Setting the Historical Stage for the Political Foundations of Western Civilization

2 Practice Map (for what you need to know for the test!) Countries of the Balkan Peninsula to Know: Greece CyprusAlbaniaMacedoniaBulgariaMontenegro SerbiaRomaniaMoldovaBosniaCroatiaHungary Slovenia Countries of the southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Know: GreeceTurkeyCyprusItalyFranceSpain Bodies of Water to Know: Black SeaAegean SeaAdriatic SeaMediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean

3 Countries of the Balkan Peninsula to Know: Greece CyprusAlbaniaMacedoniaBulgariaMontenegro SerbiaRomaniaMoldovaBosniaCroatiaHungary Slovenia Countries of the southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Know: GreeceTurkeyCyprusItalyFranceSpain Modern Greece and Its Current Neighbors Black Sea Aegean Sea Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean

4 Geographic Analysis of Ancient Greece CONTINENTAL LOCATION: southeastern Europe GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: peninsula extends from the Balkans into the Mediterranean Sea GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES: -mountainous -coastlines: -gulfs and bays GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS: -limited arable land -extensive pasture land -geographic isolation Mediterranean Sea Danube River Vardar River

5 The Coastline

6 The Islands

7 Arable Land vs. Pasture Land

8 How might the geographic features of Greece influence the development of Greek civilization and culture? Greece was a civilization in that its peoples shared a common culture: Greece was not a united empire b/c they were not united geographically, economically, or politically: language food customs and traditions religion geographical isolation economic independence – self-sufficient units – individual trade interests Different political systems – polis self-governing & independent 1 of 4 different systems self-defense

9 How might the economic growth of city- states lead to the development of new political systems?


11 Trade Routes and New Settlements

12 Philosophers Search for Truth The physical cost of the Peloponnesian War Athens lost the war – Athenian “empire” was lost – Political and economic power of Athens among Greek city- states declined – Wealth of Athens greatly reduced Discontent and decline leads to development of new ideas Athenians lost confidence in democratic gov’t and began to question their values – Philosophers seeking truth about nature of the universe and guiding principles of society

13 Fundamental Basis of Greek Philosophy The physical universe is put together in an orderly way, and subject to absolute unchanging truths. Absolute truths – laws of nature – justice – piety – traditional values People can understand these laws of the universe through reason and logic reason: sound judgment logic: the system or principles of reason based on a systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.

14 The Gadfly and His Pupil Socrates pushed Athenians to question themselves and their moral character. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” The Socratic Method Plato described his vision for a perfectly governed society, and it was NOT a democracy. society naturally divides into 3 groups: – farmers and artisans (iron and copper) – soldiers and merchants (silver) – ruling class (gold) philosopher-king chosen from the ruling class b/c he has the greatest insight and intellect

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