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Lesson #2 Monarchy Complete the Anticipation Guide in your packet. Complete the before column. 1. A monarchy is ruled by an elected official. 2. The term.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #2 Monarchy Complete the Anticipation Guide in your packet. Complete the before column. 1. A monarchy is ruled by an elected official. 2. The term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #2 Monarchy Complete the Anticipation Guide in your packet. Complete the before column. 1. A monarchy is ruled by an elected official. 2. The term monarchy means “rule by one”. 3. China is a country that has a monarchy. 4. Monarchs have more power today than they did years ago. 5. Queen Elizabeth II, of Britain, represents the history of her country.

2 Lesson #2 Monarchy Essential Question: What are the main characteristics of a monarchy form of government?

3 Lesson #2 Monarchy Vocabulary 1) Monarchy- a government ruled by a monarch (king or queen) 2) Absolute Monarchy- the monarch has absolute or complete authority.

4 Lesson #2- Monarchy Vocabulary continued 3) Constitutional Monarchy- a monarchy where the monarch is limited by laws. They are actually run by a prime minister and a cabinet.

5 Lesson #2 Monarchy As class we are going to read page 503 in your white resource packet.

6 Lesson #2 Monarchy Place these notes on the back of one of your pages that you have not used. Characteristics of a Monarchy Monarchy means “rule by one” A monarch usually inherits power and rules for life. The American and French Revolutions helped end the absolute authority of monarchs.

7 Lesson #2 Monarchy Saudi Arabia is an example of an absolute monarchy. Saudis consider the Quran, the holy book of Islam, as their constitution. Ultimate authority in virtually every aspect of government rest with the king.

8 Lesson #3 Dictatorship &Oligarchy Anticipation Guide 1) In a dictatorship, the people have a voice in making decisions. 2) Dictators do not inherit their power. 3) Adolf Hitler was a German dictator in the 20 th century. 4) Dictators can not be thrown out of office. 5) Cuba is the only country in the Americas that is run by a dictator.

9 Lesson #3 Dictatorship & Oligarchy Essential Question: 1) What are the main characteristics of a dictatorship? 2) What are the main characteristics of an oligarchy?

10 Lesson #3 Dictatorship & Oligarchy Vocabulary 1) Authoritarianism – a way of governing that values order and control over personal freedom. It is usually ruled by a dictator. 2) Totalitarianism- the government has total authority over people’s lives

11 Lesson #3 Dictatorship & Oligarchy Vocabulary continued 3) dictatorship- a governing system in which one person claims absolute authority. 4) Oligarchy- throughout history, small groups of people have ruled countries.

12 Lesson #3 Dictatorship & Oligarchy Read pages 504 in Resource Packet Notes 1) The difference between an absolute monarch and a dictator is that dictators do not inherit their power. They take it by force. 2) Dictators controls all land, schools, and newspapers.

13 Lesson #3 Dictatorship 3) The only dictatorship in the Americas is Cuba. 4) Iraq used to be a dictatorship until the United States helped the Iraqi people remove Saddam Hussein from power.

14 Lesson #4 Oligarchy Government Resource Packet page 505 Oligarchy- throughout history, small groups of people have ruled countries. Oligarchies have many of the same characteristics as a dictatorship. Power is taken by force Absolute rule or power Limited # of people involved in government.

15 Lesson #4 Oligarchy Government Resource Packet page 505 Oligarchy- throughout history, small groups of people have ruled countries. Mexico was once an oligarchy. One of the most famous oligarchies was present in the former Soviet Union (USSR). Only communist party members could take part in governing.

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