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Teacher Licensure PI-34 Wisconsin’s New Process. New License Stages  Initial Educator 5 year, non-renewable  Professional Educator 5 year renewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Licensure PI-34 Wisconsin’s New Process. New License Stages  Initial Educator 5 year, non-renewable  Professional Educator 5 year renewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Licensure PI-34 Wisconsin’s New Process

2 New License Stages  Initial Educator 5 year, non-renewable  Professional Educator 5 year renewable  Master Educator 10 year renewable Only can be received w/ National Board Certification

3 Initial Educator  An individual who has successfully completed an approved program after August 31, 2004 and who is issued an Initial Educator license by the Department for the first time in a particular category

4 Role of the Initial Educator  To move to the professional educator level  Learn how to more effectively meet the needs of students.  Identify personal and professional needs.  Participate in training sessions.  Ask questions, observe and learn from mentors and colleagues.  Reflect and prepare Professional Development Plan (PDP).

5  The initial educator must design and complete a professional development plan (PDP) that demonstrates increased proficiency in two or more of the 10 teaching standards

6  PDP is approved by a majority of the 3 member Initial Educator Team (an administrator, IHE representative, and a peer (not a mentor) that has been trained in reading PDP’s)  Support to Educator is provided by mentor and feedback is provided from the team

7 Initial Educator Team Roles:  Reviews and approves professional development goals  Majority verifies successful completion of plan to state superintendent  Trained on the Wisconsin Standards and Professional Development Plan  Trained to use the rubric for the PDP  Is convened at the discretion of the initial educator

8  The team does NOT evaluate teaching performance This is the role of licensed administrators and the school board

9 School District Requirements  Must provide collaboratively developed orientation to initial educator  Must provide support seminars reflecting the standards  Must provide a qualified mentor to the initial educator

10 Required Contents of Professional Development Plan 1.Reflection 2.Describe school and assignment 3.Rationale for, and goal(s) addressing Standards 4.Plan to assess achievement of goal(s) 5.Plan to meet the goal(s)  Objectives  Activities  Timelines  Collaboration

11 Required evidence of successful completion of PDP  Annual review of PDP by educator  Summary and reflection statement  Demonstrated increase in proficiency in Standards needing improvement  Growth indicators  How professional knowledge was improved by meeting goals  How student learning was improved by meeting goals

12 Timeline for Initial Educator  Year 1: Preparing to write the plan- self reflection  Year 2: October 1: Writing the plan/submit to PDP team December 1: Goal Approval by team January –June: Goal Revisions, if needed

13  Year 2,3,4: Documentation of Annual Review- any substantial revisions must be reviewed by team by April 1.  Final Year: By January 15: Documentation of Completion to team April 1: Verification of Completion by team Jan. – June: Revisions if needed June 1: submit verification form to DPI

14 Self Reflection  At the end of the first year, write a goal (or goals) based on 2 standards. Examine journals, logs, feedback (student, peer, parent), student data over time, analyze classroom observations, examine critical incidents, look at the standards rubrics, reflect on your areas of passion for teaching.  The goal(s) should answer " Where do I want to go" and "How will I get there?"

15 Websites  DPI Licensing DPI Licensing  Quality Educator Initiative Free for WEAC members Use WEAC member number (found on card sent in September)  License Renewal Support Center Marie Benson, UW-W:

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