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Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Welcome to Ranworth Broad Photo: Mike Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Welcome to Ranworth Broad Photo: Mike Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Welcome to Ranworth Broad Photo: Mike Page

2 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future A bit about Norfolk Wildlife Trust… Photo: Russell Baylin Photo: Richard Osbourne Photo: Ray Jones We protect more than 50 places in Norfolk for wildlife and people. Photo: Tasha North Photo: Richard Osbourne Photo: Wildstock 2007 Photo: Nick Carter

3 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future We also help to make gardens, parks, schools, churchyards, roadsides and other areas more wildlife-friendly so that nature reserves are joined up. We call this a “Living Landscape”. Photo: David North Photo: Richard Burkmarr

4 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future These are words we might use during your visit. Can you work out what they are? 1) A place where plants and animals can live I HA B T T A C P E S I E S E A E E R V R E R U T A N S Y A P BOID T T IERSIV D W A R D E N 2) An exact type of animal or plant 3) An area which is protected for wildlife 4) Something plants and animals have done over time so that they can live in their habitat 5) The number of different plant and animal species in an area 6) A person who looks after a nature reserve

5 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future After your visit, you’ll know more about different environments and what lives in them. Photo: Steve Bond We’ll find plenty of plants and some small animals but they’re all wild so what we’ll see is a mystery! Photo: Peter Mallet We’ll explore different habitats at Ranworth each with different species Photo: Ian Simons

6 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Woodland Photo:Elizabeth Dack Photo: Elizabeth Dackl Photo: Amy Lewis Photo: Robert Williamson Photo: Alan Pricek Photo: Yvonne Jones Photo: Jessica Riederer

7 Freshwater Dyke Photo: Elizabeth Dack Photo: Isabelle Mudge Photo:Richard Burkmarr Photo:Brian Valentine Photo: Jamie McMillian

8 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Carr woodland or swamp Photo: Wildstock Photo: Wendy Pollard Photo: Darren Williams Photo: Brenda Gough Photo: Elizabeth Dack

9 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Reed bed Phto:Elizabeth Dack Photo: Nick Appleton Photo: Wildstock Photo: Elizabetha Dack Photo: Juanita Hawkins Photo: Natural Connections

10 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Open water Photo: Nick Goodrum Photo: Pauline Saggers Photo: Maurice Funnell Photo: Nick Goodrum Photo: Peter Mallet Photo: Robert Powell Photo:Elizabeth Dack

11 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Your coach will drop you off in Ranworth village before we make the short walk to the nature reserve. You’ll be able to use the toilets when you arrive, at lunch time and before you leave. Photo: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

12 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future What to wear and bring Hot and sunny weather Whatever the weather Cold weather Sun hat Sun cream Insect repellent or long trousers and sleeves Waterproof jacket Waterproof trousers, quick drying trousers or spare clothes Welly boots or shoes you can get dirty NOT YOUR BEST SHOES ! A re-sealable drink Scarf Warm hat Gloves

13 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Low Impact Lunch Challenge A ‘low impact’ lunch is one that doesn’t damage the environment much. Compare the two lunches below, work out which is better and why Follow our tips to see if you can make your lunch box like the low impact one. Ask whoever does the shopping to buy in bulk rather than buying lots of individual bags. This one has less packaging, which means less rubbish. Use reusable bottles. Use reusable boxes. Take apple cores and orange peel home to compost. Try to eat food which has not travelled too far.

14 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future What would you like to find out about Ranworth’s wildlife? Can you each come up with 2 questions? Photo: Elizabeth Dack

15 Saving Norfolk’s Wildlife for the Future Photo: Richard Osbourne See you soon!

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