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Grade 1o Vocab Units 10-12 Test: _________.

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1 Grade 1o Vocab Units 10-12 Test: _________

2 Word: Aggregate Definition: a collection of things mixed together Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: The US is an aggregate of people from different ethnic backgrounds. Chili is an aggregate of meat and beans.

3 Word: Allege Definition: to accuse without proof Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Tammy alleges Mark stole her binder, but no one saw it happen.

4 Word: Allusion Definition: an indirect reference (usually to literature) Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Janna, being a big fan of Shakespeare, makes a lot of literary allusions, but most people don’t get them.

5 Word: Assimilate Definition: to take in; to absorb Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Ricardo did not understand the language and culture when he first came to this country, but he was able to quickly assimilate.

6 Word: Archetype Definition: original model Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Holden Caulfield is the archetype for a misfit hero , or a flawed hero, who modern authors recreate today their books.

7 Word: Artful Definition: sneaky Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: On the night of my first sleepover, my artful father told me that an escaped prisoner was on the loose in the neighborhood where my friend lived.

8 Word: Broach Definition: to open up a difficult topic for discussion Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Although it was difficult, Tanya felt it was time to broach the topic of breaking up with Rob.

9 *Word: Burlesque Definition: mocking imitation; parody Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Saturday Night Live is a common, well-known burlesque. *Burlesque is similar to lampoon or caricature

10 Word: Callow Definition: immature and inexperienced Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Freshmen being callow is expected; however, the immaturity of the senior class was quite surprising.

11 Word: Colloquial Definition: informal language Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: In conversation it is ok to use colloquial language, but it should be avoided in formal essays.

12 Word: Compendium Definition: a summary of a larger work Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Our regular yearbook is about 200 pages and celebrates all four classes; its compendium is just for the senior class and usually gives pictures of prom and graduation.

13 Word: Comprehensive Definition: covering everything Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: A comprehensive search of the house helped the mother find her daughter; she had fallen asleep in her closet not runaway. Before the final exam, it would be wise to do a comprehensive review of your materials.

14 Word: Curtail Definition: to cut short Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: We had to curtail our conversation about Sasha when she walked into the room.

15 Word: Debacle Definition: a failure or disaster Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: The beautifully planned wedding turned into a complete debacle when multiple setbacks created havoc for the couple; first, it began to rain heavily, the priest got into a car accident, the caterer arrived late because of the poor weather, and many of the guests canceled.

16 Word: Decimate Definition: to kill or destroy a large part of something Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: The wildlife population was decimated after the oil spill. The hurricane decimated the houses on the coast.

17 Word: Domestic Definition: having to do with the home; not foreign Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: We decided to try to only buy domestic goods. My maid prefers to be called a domestic engineer.

18 Word: Ebullient Definition: bubbling with excitement; joyful Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: After watching the winning homerun in overtime, the ebullient crowd rushed the field.

19 Word: Emigrate Definition: to leave a country permanently Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Due to the civil war in his own country, Samuel emigrated to England.

20 Word: Extricate Definition: to free from difficult Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: We had to call a rescue team to extricate the cat from the tree.

21 Word: Fastidious Definition: meticulous; attentive to detail Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Corinne's fastidious cleanliness was a sharp contrast to her twin sister Kayla’s style. Kayla left clothes, clean and dirty, all over her side of the room while Corrinne’s side was extremely neat.

22 Word: Fecund Definition: fertile; productive Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Female rabbits are fecund and can give birth to hundreds of bunnies in a short lifespan. The child’s fecund imagination helped him to invent games to play when the family lost power in the storm.

23 Word: Gullible Definition: naïve; believing anything Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Lydia, although very intelligent, is gullible when it comes to gossip magazines; she always believes anything she reads.

24 Word: Idyllic Definition: naturally peaceful and charming Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: We looked everywhere for an idyllic spot to build our house; we wanted something near the water but not too far from the city.

25 Word: Immutable Definition: Unchangeable Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Although Abby’s mother tried to get her to dress more normally, Abby’s style was immutable; she loved her pink hair and outlandish clothes.

26 Word: Impervious Definition: not allowing anything through Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: I need a new raincoat because my current raincoat is no longer impervious to the wet rain. Laura is impervious to criticism; she does not listen to other’s opinions of her faults.

27 Word: Innocuous Definition: harmless Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Although my dad can be loud and menacing, he is innocuous. Although her comment was meant to be innocuous, I was still upset.

28 Word: Integrate Definition: to join two or more ideas Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: You must integrate your quotes to avoid your quote standing on its own. Both reading and writing are integrated in English classes.

29 Word: Inundate Definition: to flood (not an actual flood of water) or overwhelm Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: The police were inundated with calls after they offered a $10,000.oo reward for a concreate tip.

30 Word: Meander Definition: to wonder without a purpose Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: The dog meandered through the woods at a slow pace; he was just enjoying being off leash in the sunshine.

31 Word: Irrevocable Definition: irreversible; can’t be taken back Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Shortly after Candice got a tattoo with her boyfriend’s name in it, he broke up with her and she realized her actions were irrevocable

32 Word: Mercenary Definition: someone who will do anything for money; hired soldier Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: The tribe hired mercenaries to fight with them after they were decimated by the other group. Holden calls DB a prostitute because he believes DB is a mercenary—he writes trashy shows to make money.

33 Word: Microcosm Definition: a mini version of the world Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Pencey Prep is often viewed by critics as a microcosm; Holden’s experiences in the small school are similar to experiences in a larger society.

34 Word: Panacea Definition: a cure-all or solution Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: My grandmother thinks ice cream is a panacea for everything, but it doesn’t really make everything better.

35 Word: Mitigate Definition: to lesson the damage Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: After being caught talking behind Tori’s back, Ellen tried to mitigate the situation by saying she was only joking. The effects of the illness were mitigated by the experimental drugs.

36 *Word: Parody Definition: an imitation or to imitate with the attempt of making fun Part of Speech: N or V Example Sentence: V-Matt was kicked out of class for parodying his teacher by mimicking her clichéd phrases, but he realized too late she had come back in the room. N-Matt’s parody got him into a lot of trouble.

37 Word: Ponderous Definition: large and clumsy Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: The professor’s ponderous speech left most of us asleep. The ponderous wedding cake was covered in jelly beans and blobs of icing.

38 Word: Paternal Definition: fatherly Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Carl has always been paternal to his nephew.

39 Word: Precedent Definition: an earlier example that serves as a model Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: Sarah’s father gave her $25,000 for her wedding, which set the precedent for her sister’s wedding; she expected the same amount.

40 Word: Precursor Definition: something that comes before Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: A sore throat is often a precursor to a cold. Hard work on the practice field is usually a precursor to a win on the game field.

41 Word: Proximity Definition: nearness Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: At the beach, we tried to find a spot with proximity to the water but away from families with young kids.

42 Word: Pretentious Definition: believing you are more important or better than others Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: The pretentious couple decided to serve caviar and escargot at their Superbowl party.

43 Word: Prudent Definition: careful; well-thought-out Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: It’s important to be a prudent budgeter; this will allow you to make wise decisions about money so you don’t go bankrupt.

44 Word: Purport Definition: to claim or allege (usually something false); to pretend Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Heather purported that her car had been stolen; however, she had really been in an accident.

45 Word: Sagacious Definition: wise; intelligent Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Stan made the sagacious decision to stay home from work during the snow storm; the news reported hundreds of accidents and people stranded on the roads.

46 Word: Sublime Definition: amazing; awesome Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: We felt sublime after winning the lottery. Ted is a sublime thinker; he always finds the most interesting quotes to share from a book.

47 Word: Rigorous Definition: strict or harsh Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: After gaining 40 pounds, Jenna started a rigorous diet and workout routine; she ended up losing 50 pounds.

48 Word: Ruminate Definition: to ponder or think about Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Before making a decision as to where to go for college, Danny ruminated about many factors.

49 Word: Stipulate Definition: to require as part of an agreement Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: Before renting the house, we want to stipulate that no dogs are allowed. We stipulated that we would only spend $5000 on the kitchen improvements.

50 Word: Stoic Definition: showing no outward emotions Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: After learning the horrible news, Jake wanted to act stoic in front of his friends; although he acted like he was ok, at home he cried with his family.

51 Word: Tenable Definition: valid; defendable Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: When developing a thesis, make sure your point is tenable.

52 Word: Tenuous Definition: weak and flimsy (not a person) Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Donna thought she had understood the lecture, but the 20% she earned on the test showed her she really had only a tenuous grasp of the material.

53 Word: Torpor Definition: inactivity Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: After eating the huge dinner, we all fell into a torpor on the couch and watched TV. My first few days of summer are usually filled with beach days and hanging out with friends, but towards the end of the summer they are filled with torpor.

54 Word: Unwitting Definition: unaware Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Tony agreed to drive his cousin to the bank, but when his cousin ran out and ordered him to drive, Tony realized he had become an unwitting accomplice to a robbery.

55 Word: Utopia Definition: an ideal place Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: After the relentless snow, Quinn thought an island with white sand beaches and constant 75 degree temperatures seemed like a utopia.

56 Word: Venal Definition: corrupt; willing to do anything for money Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Danny’s work with the elderly was purely venal; he hoped when someone passed away, he would be able to profit. The venal judge makes his decisions based on who pays him the largest bribe.

57 Word: Vitiate Definition: to pollute or make un-pure Part of Speech: V Example Sentence: In Michigan many citizen complained that lead was vitiating water supply, but the government ignored the complaints.

58 Word: Volatile Definition: explosive Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: Sandy knew she should get her parents, but she was afraid to leave the volatile situation for fear her brother’s fight would escalate to a physical fight. Kevin’s volatile personality scared all of us.

59 Word: Volition Definition: conscious choice Part of Speech: N Example Sentence: The jury had to decide if the death was an accident or was of the man’s own volition. Kathy apologized to her sister of her own volition, not because he parents made her.

60 Word: Wistful Definition: yearning; longing for something Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: I felt wistful when my friend got her license after I failed the test; I just want to be able to drive!

61 Word: Zealous Definition: devoted; enthusiastic Part of Speech: ADJ Example Sentence: The cult leader’s zealous hold on his followers caused concern; even after being rescued they were willing to do anything to be with his again. Kendra’s zealous co-worker always got to work an hour early, stayed late every night, and acted excited about every new project.

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