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How To Help (and when not to) with Job Search Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Help (and when not to) with Job Search Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Help (and when not to) with Job Search Assistance

2 ALA’s CDF Training Program Career Development Facilitator –completed the CDF Training Program, provided by a nationally trained & qualified instructor 2 full days of face-to-face training 12 weeks of online training, assignments, Skype sessions and conference calls and a final project –incorporates career development information or skills in their work with students, adults, clients, employees or the public

3 As the NJLA representative... Work with Leadership & Education subcommittee and/or the Professional Development committee Present a program at the NJLA Annual Conference

4 A Mattering Climate Provide a safe place to explore options Listen to all aspects of the person’s story Enquire through questions – be curious Acknowledge – notice and greet Support – express encouragement & provide feedback Exchange – self disclose when appropriate & in a genuine way

5 Listening & Attending SOLER Attending Skills –S- Face the client squarely –O – Adopt an open posture –L – Lean toward the client –E – Maintain good eye contact –R – Try to be relatively relaxed Be aware of: –Age –Gender –Culture/Ethnicity –Setting

6 Resources to Consider Formal vs. Informal Assessments SDS (Self Directed Search) Holland Code (John L. Holland) 4-S Model (Nancy Schlossberg) O*Net Profiler and My Next Move ( and

7 Ethical Decision Making Define the problem and ethical issues involved Review relevant codes & standards Identify & outline options Consider your feelings & emotional responses Seek consultation Take action

8 Scope Important to know what is within your role and outside of your role when providing career assistance Must look at level of skill, training and ability Scope of Practice Know HowDon’t KnowUnsure Within RoleProceed Don’t Proceed Until Trained Seek Consultation Outside of RoleSeek ConsultationDon’t Proceed UnsureSeek ConsultationDon’t Proceed

9 What kind of service are you providing? OR

10 And now to our presenters...

11 Ally Blumenfeld Paterson Public Library

12 Job Help at PFPL Job Search Handout Resume Packet Drop-In Resume Clinic (once a month) Tech Skill Share: one-on-one, by-appointment computer class Career Connections Grant (Department of Labor) Your Career @ Your Library Series: presentations to local work experience programs

13 Some challenges ☹

14 Success Story ☺

15 Lindsey Meyer Edison Public Library

16 What we offer at Edison Public Library: Classes in job searching, résumés, cover letters, and interviewing I offer one-on-one résumé reviews –appointments are for residents only –limit of 3 sessions, up to one hour / session Our special population: many immigrant job seekers need guidance in the U.S. job market

17 My Approach Help the seeker to think like an employer and to construct their job search and résumé with the employer’s needs in mind Collaborate by teaching skills so that seekers can improve their own résumés. Teach and push networking skills. My role: A combination of potential employer, job counselor, and cheerleader

18 What I DO with résumés: Interview the seeker, then evaluate & edit their résumé Give advice about information organization Give formatting advice Teach relevant U.S. employment law –Yes, you need to do this, especially for immigrants! Just don’t give legal advice.

19 What I DON’T do: I don’t compose résumé text if it’s outside my area of expertise. I don’t type the text for the seeker, although I may offer to format it quickly. I don’t give legal advice. I don’t provide detailed career counseling. Instead, I refer them to a professional counselor.

20 Tonya Garcia Long Branch Public Library

21 Long Branch Public Library Back to Work Initiative 1) Back to Work Services (Virtual Career Center) 2) Youth Ambassador (Teen)Program 3) Fresh Start Program

22 Back to Work Examined Community Needs NJSL Literacy Grant, CJRLC etc. Virtual Career Center Technology & Career Center 16 Week Transition Courses

23 Youth Ambassador Teen Program Incentives Practice Interviews Job Searching Assistance Resume Reviews

24 Fresh Start Program Technology training, career coaching & resume reviews Pre- assessments 11 ½ hour private sessions Transition to the open lab sessions 150 participants per year 2014 (avg.) Grants and Community Assistance (NJSL, Monmouth University Interns, etc.)


26 Karen Klapperstuck, Head of Reference and Virtual Services Monroe Township Public Library Tonya Garcia, Library Director Long Branch Public Library Ally Blumenfeld, Library Associate Paterson Public Library Lindsey Meyer, Reference Librarian Edison Public Library Contact Info

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