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Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Assessment & Feedback Lecturer – Dr Justin Rami.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Assessment & Feedback Lecturer – Dr Justin Rami."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Assessment & Feedback Lecturer – Dr Justin Rami

2 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami The Big Picture How does this fit into everything else? Standards Curriculum Instruction Assessment

3 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Vocabulary Accountability Formative assessment Summative assessment Criterion-referenced Equity Mean Norm-referenced Performance-based Portfolio Reliable Rubric Scoring guide Valid

4 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Critical Questions What should students know/do and what shall we teach? Curriculum How shall we teach it? Instruction How will we know if they know? Assessment What will we do if they don’t? -- Intervention

5 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Assessment Systems Norm-referenced tests Compare student performance to norm group Standards-based tests Compare student performance to standard Blended assessment systems Combine norm-referenced and standards- based assessments

6 Conventional Assessments Beginning Literacy Adult Reading Irish Junior Cert Jenny Students like Jenny who are struggling will find these tests frustrating. Jenny may only be able to answer a few questions, which means her teacher won ’ t know her strengths and weaknesses. Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami

7 Conventional Assessments Beginning Literacy Adult Reading Irish Junior Cert Rita Conventional tests are not designed to measure the entire continuum of reading or math proficiency. They are intended to assess the grade level curriculum. These tests may be useful for average students, but high performing students like Rita find most questions on these tests too easy. Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami

8 Norm Vs Criterion Norm-referenced tests provide Comparisons to national norms High levels of technical quality Familiarity and confidence Standards-based tests provide Comparisons to standards Feedback on learning what is intended Data useful to classroom teaching and learning

9 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Standards-Based Classrooms Focus teaching and learning on standards Base daily instruction on standards Adjust instruction to meet standards Monitor daily performance of students in learning standards Provide: Additional opportunities to master standards Accommodations to special needs students Challenges when standards are exceeded

10 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Role of Classroom Tests as a Curriculum tool Monitor ongoing progress Make ongoing adjustments Review prerequisites Re-teach skills Use different teaching methods Use different teaching materials

11 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Thinking Like an Assessor What would be sufficient and revealing evidence of understanding? What performance tasks must anchor the unit and focus the instructional work? How will I be able to distinguish between those who really understand and those who don’t? Against what criteria will I distinguish work? What misunderstandings are likely? How will I check for those?

12 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami What Makes a Good Assessment? Validity Reliability Equitability Readability Clarity

13 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Question 1: Define Validity & Reliability Explain in lay-person terms what it means for a test score to be a valid indicator of a students knowledge, skills and Attitudes. Please answer this in 25 words or fewer.

14 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Validity Validity has to do with whether a test actually measures what it is supposed to. Are we measuring what we say we are measuring? Can we make valid interpretations and inferences?

15 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Increasing Validity Use more than one measure Make sure it measures what it says it does Base it on agreed-upon standards Align with Aims & Objectives

16 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Reliability Reliability has to do with how consistent a test is in measuring whatever it measures, regardless of whether or not it is measuring what it is supposed to.

17 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Commonly Used Assessment Standards

18 Lecturer - Dr Justin Rami Continued

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