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STAR A SSESSMENTS Grand Blanc Community Schools 2011-2012.

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1 STAR A SSESSMENTS Grand Blanc Community Schools 2011-2012

2 Goals for Today Review what STAR Assessments are and our purpose for using. Learn how to use STAR (administer tests, obtain reports, etc.) Establish common testing protocols Discuss what we are going to do with STAR! Answer questions that you have about STAR!

3 W HAT IS STAR A SSESSMENT ? STAR Mathematics (grades 1-5) STAR Early Literacy (pre-K – 1 st grade) STAR Reading (grades 2-5) Computer-adaptive Assessment Provides quick and reliable data Administered three or more times per year (3 testing windows—fall, winter, spring)

4 FIVE DOMAINS (Standards Based) FIVE DOMAINS (Standards Based) FOUR DOMAINS (Standards Based) FOUR DOMAINS (Standards Based) Enhanced Item Bank Extended Item Bank New Skills Items SEVEN DOMAINS (Standards Based) SEVEN DOMAINS (Standards Based) 1.Word Knowledge & Skills Development 2.Comprehension Strategies and Constructing Meaning 3.Literary Analysis 4.Understanding Author’s Craft 5.Analyzing Argument and Evaluating Text 36 General Skills 1.Numbers and Operations 2.Algebra 3.Geometry and Measurement 4.Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability 54 Skill Sets 1.Graphophonemic Knowledge 2.General Readiness 3.Phonemic Awareness 4.Phonics 5.Comprehension 6.Structural Analysis 7.Vocabulary 41 Skill Sets

5 5 I TEM T IME L IMITS 60 seconds per item 45 seconds Short comprehension 90 seconds Extended comprehension Grades K - 2 Grades 3 + 3 minutes per item 90 seconds per item

6 Take a Sample Test! * Log in using directions! * Choose either reading or math test! * Take a portion of a test to experience what students do!

7 R EPORTS After testing, reports are generated and analyzed. Report Definitions Useful scores include: Percentile Rank (PR) Grade Equivalent (GE) Instructional Reading Level (IRL) Scale Score


9 Percentile Rank (PR) Score, ranging from 1 to 99, is norm- referenced and provides the best measure of a student’s level of reading achievement compared to other students in the same grade nationally.

10 10 A student with 58 PR has reading skills greater than 58% of same-grade students Percentile Rank (PR) 1 PR 99 PR 58 How does this student compare to other students at the same grade level?

11 Grade Equivalent (GE) Is norm-referenced and represents how a student’s test performance compares with other students nationally. The GE does not mean the student is capable of doing word at the GE, it indicates that the student skills are above or below average for that particular grade.

12 12 This student scored the same as a typical student in the third month of seventh grade. Grade Equivalent (GE) 0.0 GE 12.9 GE To which grade level is this student’s performance similar? 7.3 4.9

13 Instructional Reading Level (IRL) Is a Criterion referenced Score It indicates the highest level your student answered 80% of content correctly

14 Instructional Reading Level (IRL) What level of instructional materials will best serve the student? A student with a 5.3 IRL can recognize words and comprehend materials at the fifth-grade level with some assistance. PPPHSP123456789101112

15 Scaled Score (SS) Is useful for comparing student performance over time and across grades. It is calculated based on the difficulty of questions and the number of correct responses. All norm-referenced scores are derived from the scaled score. Always show incremental change Absolute Growth Look at for PROGRESS MONITORING

16 16 W HAT DOES THE SCALED SCORE MEAN ? 5009001200 0 1400 Elementary grades 1-5 Middle School grades 6-8 High School grades 9-12

17 17 What does the scaled score mean? 700 900 01400 Middle grades 6-8 500 Primary grades 1-2 Intermediate grades 3-5 HS 9-12 3001100

18 Benchmark & Cut Score Document Guide to look at when working with students in the 50 PR or below.


20 Reasons for score fluctuation Standard error of measurement (chance) Fluctuation in student performance (good day, bad day) Regression to the mean (statistical phenomenon)

21 Response to Intervention Screening Report Skill Intervention Recommendation (SAT) Progress Monitoring Report

22 22 C ATEGORIES ON THE S CREENING R EPORT 40 PR At or Above Benchmark Intervention On Watch Urgent Intervention Response to Intervention Report How our schools respond with interventions Progress Monitoring





27 Skill Recommendations


29 Progress Monitoring

30 Student Progress Monitoring Report Yellow Star ~ Goal Green Line ~ Goal Line Red Line ~ Intervention Blue Diamond ~ Student STAR test Black Line ~ Trend Line (shows up after four assessments) Compare the student’s growth in reference from the trend line and the growth/goal line and see if the student is responding to the intervention.



33 RTI & STAR TIME IS A FACTOR If the student is not responding…. Student not responding check the fidelity of implementation Give the intervention more time to work Increase the intensity of the intervention Try a new intervention

34 P URPOSE OF STAR This program will be utilized as a K-5 screening and monitoring tool to provide data to make instructional and intervention decisions for all students. (piloted MS & HS, Winter/Spring, 2012)

35 STAR AT THE S ECONDARY L EVEL Rationale Consistency in district Reports are user-friendly Student can participate in report/goal-setting Can be administered frequently, good for progress-monitoring Aligned to CCSS Can be tested within a single MS and HS class period

36 L OGGING IN ! Go to Click on Teacher/Administrator, enter username & password Username (in most cases) – first initial and last name (no space) Password – bobcat1 To change password, enter username and password, then click “change password” box before clicking log-in.

37 V IEWING S TUDENTS To view your classes, click on “Personnel, Students, and Parents”, then click on “view students” and the drop-down menu for classes or search all students!

38 W HERE TO FIND I MPORTANT I NFORMATION Scroll down to STAR Reading or STAR Math Select Resources for useful information and documents! Select Reports to access any report after testing. Select Screening, Progress Monitoring, & Intervention to set goals and progress monitor specific students. Select Enterprise Home to access Learning Progressions and more!

39 H OW TO A DMINISTER A T EST TO STUDENTS Before testing: Reserve computer lab or laptop cart. Review testing protocol (next slide…) Read pretest instructions and explain purpose of test to students. Print Student information report for a list of usernames and passwords (click on “reports” for either STAR Math or Reading). Testing Time: Give students directions to log in to web site, user name and password information. Direct them to click on take a test under reading or math. If asked for an additional password, enter “ADMI N”

40 T ESTING P ROTOCOLS & W INDOWS Math Test No calculators Use of scrap paper and pencil – okay! IEP Accommodations (test read, etc. as needed) 504 Accommodations – (as needed) Reading Test IEP and 504 Accommodations as necessary, but do not read the test! Extended time is an option. Testing Windows Winter: Jan. 24 – Feb. 10 (secondary) Spring: May 1 – 2(secondary)

41 H OW TO CHANGE A STUDENT ’ S CLASS PERIOD ( SCHEDULE CHANGE ). Click on “Personnel, Students, and Parents” and then “view students”. Search for the student. Click on “edit class enrollment” and “un-enroll” from the class. Then click on the school, course (grade level), and class that student needs to enroll in. SAVE!

42 H OW TO ADD B RAND N EW S TUDENTS Click on “Personnel, Students, and Parents” Click on “Add a student” Enter first name, last name, password (ABC), confirm password, school, ID#, and grade. SAVE! Then, click on “edit class enrollment” Click on the school, course, and class that the student needs to be added to. SAVE!

43 L EARNING P ROGRESSIONS Click on Enterprise Home…go to Instructional Planning (student or class). For class, sort into groups and then view report. For student, select student and view report. Highlight and copy specific skills and go to Learning progressions. Learning progressions will give: * specific problems/skills to practice * identify prerequisite skills * suggest lesson plans for Reading

44 P ROGRESS M ONITORING AT THE S ECONDARY L EVEL – WHAT TO DO WITH THIS INFO.? Good information about student coming into 2 nd semester classes. Look for instructional focuses for entire classes. Provide guidance for PLC groups Possible good source of growth measurement (from winter to spring). Placement information for future classes. Identify for Tier 2 intervention (small groups working inside or outside of regular class time).

45 U SES, CONTINUED Some diagnostic information Measure progress/growth – individual and group (class/school) Progress monitor…include student in setting goals! Triangulation of data Verify professional decision-making Parent education Preparation for standardized tests (esp. computer-adaptive model – upcoming CCSS assessments).


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