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The High Luminosity LHC Project

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1 The High Luminosity LHC Project
Lucio Rossi HL-LHC Project Leader QUACO Open Market Consultation – CERN – 30 March 2016

2 Project documentation HiLumi LHC point of view on QUACO
Content Project motivation Project goals Main LHC modification Project documentation HiLumi LHC point of view on QUACO L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

3 Evolution of LHC toward HL-LHC
Technical limits to lumi increase (Machine & Experiments) L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

4 Goal of High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) as fixed in November 2010
From FP7 HiLumi LHC Design Study application The main objective of HiLumi LHC Design Study is to determine a hardware configuration and a set of beam parameters that will allow the LHC to reach the following targets: A peak luminosity of Lpeak = 5×1034 cm-2s-1 with levelling, allowing: An integrated luminosity of 250 fb-1 per year, enabling the goal of Lint = 3000 fb-1 twelve years after the upgrade. This luminosity is more than ten times the luminosity reach of the first 10 years of the LHC lifetime. Concept of ultimate performance (use of existing magin) defined: Lult  cm-2s-1 and Ultimate Integrated Lint ult  4000 fb-1 LHC should not be the limit, would Physics require more… L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

5 Nominal upgrade parameters 3000 fb-1 would be reached in 2037
L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

6 HL-LHC ultimate performance
Ultimate lumi (not yet studied in details) L = 5  cm-2s-1 Int. L = 3000  4000 fb-1 Pile up   200 L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

7 Luminosity: the main ingredients
Lint Beam current energy Beam size Levelling! L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

8 The backbone of the upgrade: the new magnet triplet
Smaller   larger IT aperture LHC has better aperture than anticipated: now all margin can be usedreaching  < cm (55 cm being the nominal) L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

9 HiLumi LHC: one of the largest accelerator under construction
ATLAS CMS Dispersion Suppressor (DS) Matching Section (MS) Interaction Region (ITR) Modifications In IP2: new DS collimation in C.Cry. In IP7 new DS collimation with 11 T Complete change and new lay-out in IP1-IP5 TAN D2 CC Q4 All correctors Q5 K) MQ in 1.9K New collimators Complete change and new lay-out in IP1-IP5 TAS Q1-Q2-Q3 D1 All correctors W-shielding + Cryogenics, Protection, SC Links, Interface, Vacuum, Diagnostics, Inj/Extr, new infrastruct. > 1.2 km of LHC !! L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

10 In-kind contribution (construction or R&D for HL-LHC hardwware)
ATLAS CMS Q1-Q3 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind USA D1 : R&D, Design, Prototypes and in-kind JP MCBX : Design and Prototype ES HO Correctors: Design and Prototypes IT D2 Design IT Q4 : Design and Prototype FR CC : R&D, Design and in-kind USA & UK (UK for SPS) L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

11 But works are all around the ring…
New TAS and VCX Beam diagnostics BGV L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

12 Information on the project: HiLumi book (more S&T oriented)
L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

13 PDR (Preliminary Design Report)
Preliminary version delivered to FP7 on 30 Nov 2014 Cleaned-up version ready spring 2015 (long tedious editing for yellow paper: thanks to I. Bejar). Published as yellow paper TDR_v0 : delivered to FP7-HiLumi EU in November. It si the most updated document accessible via web. It will included also Tech Infrastructure by summer. TDR_v1 : completed by summer 2017, after the 2nd C&SR L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

14 Industry Workshop : Superconducting Technologies for Next Generation of Accelerators, 4-5 Dec CERN Globe 101 participants, 42 from 21 companies L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

15 HiLumi LHC goes to Industry, 26 June ‘15: 143 attendants
L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

16 Strategy for construction
CERN (and US, CEA, INFN, CIEMAT, KEK…) builds models/prototypes in house of the new types of equipments, purchasing components in Industry: Q1-Q2-Q3 Quads and 11 T dipoles in Nb3Sn (40 magnets) Q4 single bore, D1, MCBX, HO correctors, all in Nb-Ti Crab cavities Collimators D2 may be an exception (model/proto directly in industry) Then we try to push to Industry ASAP for final prototypes validation and mini-series. Keeping final mechanical assembly in house for Nb3Sn as well as cryostating for all. Design is special, custom; very small series and a lot of variants… L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

17 Reason for QUACO: Q4 is an ideal test bed
Access to EU resources Use of QUACO to widen the EU Magnet Industry panorama EU projects put a lot of constraints Also requires much documentation However it makes available certain resources (4.6 M€) that we want mostly give back to EU Industry Disseminate accelerator magnet design in EU (our basic desing is a good starting point) Increase competition, trying not to disfavor SME Favoring dissemination of construction competence and also tooling in EUU Industry For this we are to pay a price: two prototypes instead of one, more follow up. L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

18 The various magnets for HiLumi
Triplet QXF (LARP and CERN) Orbit corrector (CIEMAT) Separation dipole D1 (KEK) Skew corrector (INFN) Corrector sextupole (INFN) Corrector octupole (INFN) Recombination dipole D2 (INFN design) Q4 (CEA) E. Todesco, HL WP3 Leader @HiLumi Cross-sections in scale Corrector dodecapole (INFN) Corrector decapole (INFN) L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

19 Q4 underwent a major change in summer 2015
Q4 change Initial studies considered either a double layer or a single layer Single layer advantage: cable free of charge (reusing shorter lengths of LHC dipole cable) Double layer advantage: power converters free of charge (reusing 6 kA power converters), less current to bring in the tunnel Decision to change to double layer in June 2015 One year delay, compatible with schedule PCP EU initiative [M. Losasso] providing funds for prototype E. Todesco, HL WP3 Leader @HiLumi L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

20 What after QUACO? QUACO will give us two full length prototypes of Q4 by beginning of 2020 Then we will tender for four Q4 magnets plus spares (most probably two further units) The tender may be done by CERN directly or by a collaborating Institutes for CERN (CEA?) The tender for Q4 may be simultaneous or preceeded by tender for a few LHC MQ (main quadrupoles, similar size and same technology than of Q4), under LHC consolidation program L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

21 You are welcome to embark in this adventure..
L. Rossi: QUACO OMC - CERN- 30 March 2016

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