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Focused Note-taking in Your Classroom Read, Relate, Reflect.

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Presentation on theme: "Focused Note-taking in Your Classroom Read, Relate, Reflect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focused Note-taking in Your Classroom Read, Relate, Reflect

2 “One learns through the processing of information by the brain. Words very,very, seldom imprint themselves on the brain; but ones thinking does.” - Walter Pauk

3 Quickwrite  How and when did you learn to take notes?

4 Essential Questions  How would this information have helped me as a student?  How will this knowledge help me in my classroom to better prepare my students for high school/college?

5 The Curve of Forgetting

6 Step 1-Determine Format  Sketching  Post-its  Two Column/Three Column Notes  Boxes and Bullets

7 Tips for Students  Paraphrase-take notes in your own words.  Abbreviate  Use Symbols  Write in phrases  Use bullets/lists  Skip lines between ideas  Model, model, model

8 Summarizing  Delete and substitute information  Learn to analyze  Read with a purpose  Become aware of informational structures

9 Review and Revise Notes  Identify main ideas (highlight, underline, number)  Circle vocabulary words in pencil  Fill in gaps of missing information with different color  Delete or cross out unimportant information  Identify points of confusion to clarify with partner or teacher  Identify information to be used for assessment  Create a visual to represent important information to be remembered.

10 Exchange Ideas  When peers work together to review their notes, the collaboration results in enhanced learning.  Turn and talk  Written Conversation  Use textbook prompts  Idea wave

11 Link Learning  Summarize  Review notes  Combine main ideas  Address the essential question

12 Reflection  Develop a learning log to guide students’ thinking  Identify 3 key learnings from your summaries  How can you apply these learnings to another concept?  What questions are still unanswered?

13 Teaching Tips  Scaffold for students using the 10-2-2 method  10 minute lecture  2 minute pair share  2 minute individual 1 sentence summary below chunk  Repeat throughout lesson

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