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The Brain, Learning, & Best Practice to Increase Retention. VIDEO LINKS WILL NOT WORK: Visit the link in the Qcomp Website.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brain, Learning, & Best Practice to Increase Retention. VIDEO LINKS WILL NOT WORK: Visit the link in the Qcomp Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brain, Learning, & Best Practice to Increase Retention. VIDEO LINKS WILL NOT WORK: Visit the link in the Qcomp Website.

2 Before We Begin Visualize yourself outside your classroom. – Walk into your classroom – Visualize the organization and atmosphere – Think about a lesson you have or will teach. What do you do best for student retention? – Write a note in “Your Best Practice”

3 What we will do: Attention and Engagement – CHUNK 10 minute modules Memory and Retention – CHEW 10-2-7 Individual & Group Exploration

4 ATTENTION AND ENGAGEMENT Not them looking at you being entertaining. Strategy: Chunk- 10 minute modules

5 Natural Attention Cycles GRADES Time in minutes Cycles per 48 min # of Ideas they can process Kindergarten - 2 nd 5-771 3 rd - 7 th 8-1245 8 th - 12 th 12-1537

6 Maximize Engagement Cycle a)The Hook (Gist) b)Engage Emotion c)Provide all Details needed

7 a) The Hook Give the Gist of the concept in relevant form (1 min.) – What will they get out of it? – How does it apply to them/life? A Test? – What will be encountered? Why? – Neurons create maps Neurons create maps

8 Guide them in creating a Neuron Map. Jennifer Aniston Neuron Experiment

9 Guide them in creating a Map. The more personalized the map the easier recall becomes

10 b) Engage Emotion Fear, Laughter, Happiness, Nostalgia, Incredulity – Create a Post it Note in their brain Why? – Amygdala sends Dopamine Food? Reproduction? Have I seen this?

11 c) Provide Detail Vision Trumps All. Even Wine

12 c) Provide Detail Flag information to be stored: – Color Coding Notes Word for Word Example If you think it will help – Connect to Students lives, previous knowledge – Prime the Neuron Connections

13 c) Provide Detail Give All needed Information – Steps – Characteristics (Questions to ask) – How will they know they understand (check answer) – Run through Example

14 Chunk: 5, 8, or 12 minute modules Set the Hook – Gist, Schema & Prior Knowledge Engage Emotion – Dopamine Post-its Provide Detail – Vision Trumps All – How will they know?

15 Now Apply the Chunk Take any lesson you’re planning Break it into pieces The Hook Engage Emotion Provide Detail (Visual)

16 BUILDING MEMORY AND RETENTION Provided it is something worth remembering. Strategy: CHEW- Give them a minute to think about it … then talk about it.

17 Three Basic Statements 1- The Brain is a Sieve, not a sponge

18 For Retention Lecture 5% Reading 10% Audio Visual 20% Demonstration 30% Active Discussion 50% Practice by Doing 75% Immediate Use or Teaching Others 90%

19 Three Basic Statements 1- The Brain is a Sieve, not a sponge 2- The Brain is social. – Reciprocal Teaching – Think, Pair, Share – Literature Circles

20 Three Basic Statements 1- The Brain is a Sieve, not a sponge 2- The Brain is social. 3- The Brain is ODD. - Groupings of 3’s, 5’s, and 7’s

21 Chew after Chunk Let them think about it after teaching it. Chew strategies work best in 10 - 2 - 7 – Within 10 Minutes – After 2 days – 7 Days (a week) later

22 10 - 2 – 7 10 minutes after chunk – Check for gaps or miscomprehension Think/Pair/Share (Indiv. & Group) Note check (Indiv.) Non-graded problems (Indiv &/or Group) Mind Map

23 10 - 2 – 7 Mind Map

24 10 - 2 – 7 Mind Map

25 10 - 2 – 7 2 days after chunk – Think back to manipulate information Reinforce the pathway with a student demonstration of knowledge Graphic Organizer

26 10 - 2 – 7 After 7 days – Formative Application Use the information repeated to connect other information and cement the knowledge Write Debate Perform- Tableau

27 Tableau

28 While Chewing: Feedback is necessary Positive emotional climate Mistakes should be allowed

29 Now Apply the Chew Take the lesson from the Chunk: Break it into pieces – 10 minutes (check for errors) – 2 days (Reinforce the path) – 7 days (Check the comprehension)

30 FINALLY: EXPLORE Because the best way to learn something is to simply be allowed to be interested in it. Strategy: Show them how to think like a child.

31 Explore Think of all those times you’ve lost hours on the internet:

32 Explore Why did you click on those links? Were you really wondering: – about what Lady Gaga did? – whether there really is a better goulash recipe? – if someone you love has a thyroid problem? – the OBP of the Reds’ second baseman?

33 Or was it there, somewhat interesting and something you didn’t know. – Brandon Phillips is very unhappy with.310 – My goulash is officially the best, – It seems my thyroid is normal – Gaga:

34 The Strategy Google’s 20% Reinventing the Encyclopedia game Exploration There is a reason we do what we do.

35 Bibliography Faber, Sharon. “The Brain, Learning and Best Practice for Every Subject Area.” National Conference on Differentiation. 15 July 2013. Hattie, John. “Visible Learning.”New York: Routledge. 2009. Print Jensen, Eric. “Teaching with the Brain in Mind.” Kryza, Kathleen. “Advanced Strategies for Differentiation.” National Conference on Differentiation. 16 July 2013. Medina, John. “Brain Rules.”Seattle: Pear Press. 2008. Print Nickelsen, LeAnn. “Best Thinking Strategies for Mastering the Common Core ELA Standards (Gr. 4-12) National Conference on Differentiation. 16 July 2013. Wessling, Sarah. “Comic Book Templates: An Entry Point into Nonfiction.” 2013. Web. July 2013 PDF’s provided by conference speakers are available on the QComp Website.

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