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Published byEzra Lambert Goodman Modified over 8 years ago
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RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2011 www.PosterPresentation The 2nd International Conference TAKTONS – Novi Sad, 13-16.11.2013 Serbian AES Section, Radio Novi Sad and Faculty of Technical Sciences – University of Novi Sad (FTN) Auralization of Sound Transmission ABSTRACT GOALS WEB/SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT DEVELOPMENT Dejan Todorović, Milica Lekić Dirigent Acoustics doo, Mažuranićeva 29/9, 11000 Beograd, Srbija During the development of the sound transmission prediction software the auralization tool was introduced. Software for the sound transmission prediction (“Ξ software – Knauf Sound Insulation software”) is developed in accordance to the international standard EN 12354 series and local legislation that provides the criteria for the sound insulation. The most common criterion is a single value which can be calculated by standardized procedures. Besides single value of sound insulation, the software calculates the transmission curves. Experienced and knowledgeable users of the software have a sense of the difference in the efficiency of the solutions and the effect of positive or negative deviation from the required values. When it comes to measures to improve the sound insulation, that directly affects vulnerable population, it is difficult, sometimes even impossible, to explain the effect that the mitigation measures will have on the acoustic comfort. Most users ask: "Will the noise disappear after the measures applied?" Since it is very hard to answer to this simple question, there is a need for a subjective evaluation of the effects of noise mitigation measures through auralization. Using this tool the effect of noise protection measures may be closer to the user or investor, but it is also an education tool for planners and wider population. In this paper we propose a practical implementation of the sound transmission/insulation auralization. The input sounds are the field recorded sounds of the characteristic noise in the environment: Outside sounds: road/rail/air traffic, construction point, industry Inside sounds (in which the premises are located in the same building as the reception room): housework, loud speech, entertainment sounds, etc. or Sounds of impact noise: footsteps or children's play. Each recorded sound contains as metadata the value of the noise level, to allow calibration of the system. The graphical interface provides the user application visual identification of the selected input, partition and reception room. Result of the calculation of sound insulation in the form of third octave spectrum is displayed in the GUI. This result is used to create appropriate third octave filters in frequency range from 50 Hz to 5 kHz. The user has the option to choose one from a set of predetermined reception rooms: living room, bedroom, empty room or studio (each is characterized by its typical reverberation time or the recorded impulse response). The algorithm takes into account the effect of partitions (or the calculation from the Ξ software) and the acoustic conditions in the receiving room. The acoustics of the receiving room are taken into calculation by reverberation time, normalized to standardized reverberation time of the room of similar size, or by impulse response, when the convolution and normalization algorithm is used. The processed audio signal, or the input audio, can be played through headphones or speakers. By changing the partition (constructions) or acoustic conditions in the receiving room, the user can hear and assess changes in the sound of the selected source of noise in the receiving room faithfully realistic conditions. In the case of a sound transmission/insulation a different approach shall be used. At first, let us define the goals of this tool. A.Subjective evaluation of the transmission loss benefits 1.Subjective evaluation of the total sound level in the receiving room 2.Subjective evaluation of the annoyance of the sound in the receiving room 3.Subjective evaluation of the efficiency of the sound insulation improvements by Wall linings Ceiling linings Floor coverings by soft material or floating floor Other sound insulation treatments 4.Subjective evaluation of the influence of receiving room treatments B.Educational purpose C.Validation purpose Comparing the goals of the room acoustics auralization tools, it is clear that auralization tool in sound transmission/insulation should cover wider range of goals. This research is part of the Ξ project. The Ξ project is development of Dirigent Acoustics, KnaufInsulation and KNAUF The term “auralization" describes the technique of creation and reproduction of sound on the basis of computer data. With this tool it is possible to predict the character of sound signals which are generated at the source and modified by reinforcement, propagation and transmission in systems such as rooms, buildings, vehicles or other technical devices. The well-known use of the auralization techniques is the use of auralization in the room acoustics design. The goal of the auralization is to approach the impression of sound quality of hall designed by the software model. For the example, the EASE software uses the predicted room impulse response to create an audio file for subjective evaluation. The impulse response is calculated with “AURA” algorithm for given positions of the source and the receiver and detailed model of the room with all surfaces absorption and scattering defined. Using the convolution algorithm, anechoic recordings of a speaker or orchestra is combined with impulse response. Sound can be played through headphones (if binaural algorithm is used) or loudspeakers for subjective evaluation of the sound quality. Main Screen Inside Wall Floor/impact sound
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