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By Luke Taylor. Click each letter of MRS ‘C’ GREN to see proof that white tigers are alive!!!!!!!! Then click each of the adaptations to read about them.

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Presentation on theme: "By Luke Taylor. Click each letter of MRS ‘C’ GREN to see proof that white tigers are alive!!!!!!!! Then click each of the adaptations to read about them."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Luke Taylor

2 Click each letter of MRS ‘C’ GREN to see proof that white tigers are alive!!!!!!!! Then click each of the adaptations to read about them.

3 White tigers run on four legs and can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometres per hour and they are very good swimmers.The can not run for a long time and aren't very good at climbing. Although they are slow, white tigers are very stealthy and they catch their prey at night.

4 Female white tigers reach maturity around the age of 3, and males about 4 or 5. White tigers reproduce sexually, and in tropical climates the female white tiger comes into heat all through the year (unless she is raising cubs or she is already pregnant). When she is ready to mate, she leaves scent markings and she roars to attract male tigers.

5 The White Tiger has a strong sense of smell, and it has a great sight which helps it to hunt at night. Also, whiskers are used to detect surrounding objects and they help with the tigers balance.

6 The White Tiger has a nervous system and they circulate oxygen through their body in blood.

7 The female White Tiger grows to about 2.5 metres long, and they weigh from 130 kilograms to 170 kilograms. The male White Tiger usually weighs from 200-230 kilograms an grows to about 3 metres in lenght. A White Tiger grows to full size when they are just over 2 years old.

8 A White Tiger respires in a similar way as humans. They inhale oxygen, and the chemical reaction caused by the oxygen and glucose coming together gives the white tiger energy. Then the tiger exhales the by-product: Carbon Dioxide.

9 A White Tiger excretes the waste from the food it has eaten in the form of faeces.

10 A White Tiger hunts by itself, and in the wild they can eat wild pigs, cattle and deer. Sometimes a White Tiger will eat up 20 kilograms of meat at a time, and then will not eat for several days.

11 A White Tiger has stripes on it’s body to help it hide in tall grass, and it is able to roar because of the arrangement of bones under it’s tongue. It also has very strong jaws to catch it’s prey.

12 White Tigers are very strong swimmers, unlike most cats. It is also very patient and waits until the right time to pounce on it’s prey.

13 A White Tiger has a very good sense of smell and very good vision. These adaptations help it to hunt in the night.

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