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Do Now Question: (Use the constructed response organizer format) 10/24.

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1 Do Now Question: (Use the constructed response organizer format) 10/24

2 Animal Adaptations Page 172

3 Nocturnal Animal Adaptations -Active at night -Stay in shelters or underground burrows during the day to avoid the heat. -Have specially adapted eye sight -Great sense of smell and hearing EX: Owls, Cat, Lion.

4 Aquatic Animal Adaptations -Usually more streamlined than land animals -Some can hold their breath for long periods of time -Some have gills to breathe underwater

5 Prey vs Predator Adaptations -Speed to help them escape or hunt EX -Gazelle, Cheetah -Use of chemicals to escape or hunt EX -Skunk, Rattlesnake

6 Camouflage Any coloring, shape, or pattern that allows an organism to blend in with its environment is called camouflage. -Can be used by BOTH predators and prey. How?

7 Protective Coloration Protective coloration is a type of camouflage in which the color of an animal helps it blend in with its background.

8 Examples of Protective Coloration -Arctic Fox- Had a white coat in the winter to blend in with snow and then changes in the summer to blend in with plants. -Tiger’s stripes helps them hide in the all grass.

9 Protective Resemblance Matching the color, shape and texture of an environment is called protective resemblance.

10 Examples of Protective Resemblance -A stick bug resembles a stick or small branch

11 Mimicry An adaptation in which an animal is protected against predators by its resemblance to an unpleasant animal is called mimicry.

12 Examples of Mimicry -Viceroy butterfly looks like the bad tasting, poisonous monarch butterfly -Robber fly resembles the dangerous bumblebee.

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