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APES Wednesday, September 18 th  Reminders:  Unit 3 Vocab is due Tuesday, Sept. 24 th  Today’s Schedule  Finish Water Quality Lab in ~10 minutes 

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Presentation on theme: "APES Wednesday, September 18 th  Reminders:  Unit 3 Vocab is due Tuesday, Sept. 24 th  Today’s Schedule  Finish Water Quality Lab in ~10 minutes "— Presentation transcript:

1 APES Wednesday, September 18 th  Reminders:  Unit 3 Vocab is due Tuesday, Sept. 24 th  Today’s Schedule  Finish Water Quality Lab in ~10 minutes  Go Over Unit 1 FRQ  Begin Unit 3 Notes!

2 Evolution & Biodiversity Chapter 5

3 APES Thursday, September 19 th  Reminders:  Turn in Water Quality Lab if didn’t yesterday  Unit 3 Vocab is due Tuesday, Sept. 24 th  Don’t forget about APES in the News Project  Today’s Schedule  Continue Unit 3 Notes!

4 Evolution & Biodiversity  Biodiversity: the variety of earth’s species, the genes they contain, & the ecosystems in which they live  1.9 million species identified  ~10-14 million estimated to exist  Unidentified are mostly in rain forests and oceans

5 Evolution & Biodiversity  Types of Biodiversity:  Species  # of species  Genetic  Variety of genes  Ecological  Variety of ecosystems  Functional  Variety of processes

6 Evolution & Biodiversity  Biodiversity is a result of EVOLUTION!!  Evolution occured in 2 phases:  Chemical evolution (1 bil yrs):  Early earth  organic molecules  first early cells  Biological evolution (since 3.7 bil yrs)  Single-celled prokaryotes  eukaryotes  complex eukaryotes

7 Evolution & Biodiversity  Cell Type Review:  Prokaryotes (aka bacteria): Single-celled organisms with no nuclear or membrane-bound organelles  Eukaryotes: single- or multi-celled organisms with cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles (mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi body, ribosomes, etc).


9 Evolution & Biodiversity  Most info about earth’s early life comes from fossils:  Fossil = Physical evidence of ancient organisms  Fossil record = entire body of fossil evidence  Fossil record is incomplete? Why?  We only have fossils of 1% of all species that lived on earth.

10 Evolution & Biodiversity  Biological Evolution by Natural Selection Explains How Life Changes over Time  Biological evolution: the change in a population’s genetic makeup through successive generations  IMPORTANT POINT: POPULATIONS, NOT INDIVIDUALS, evolve by becoming genetically different  Population: group of living organisms of the same species

11 Evolution & Biodiversity  Microevolution: small genetic changes in a population (changes in allele frequency)  Well-supported theory; documented in bacteria, pests, viruses, etc.

12 Evolution & Biodiversity  Macroevolution: long-term, large-scale evolutionary changes through which new species form from ancestral species  Involves changes at higher taxa levels (genera, families, classes)  Studied using fossils & comparative morphology  A lot more debatable…

13 Evolution & Biodiversity  Steps to Evolution:  1 st step: Genetic variations  Occurs through mutations in reproductive cells (gametes)  Mutations: random changes in structure or number of DNA molecules  Result of random mistakes during DNA replication  Mutations in parents get passed on to progeny

14 APES Friday, September 20 th  Reminders:  Unit 3 Vocab is due Tuesday, Sept. 24 th  Don’t forget about APES in the News Project  Today’s Schedule  Continue Unit 3 Notes!  Watch Futurama!

15 Evolution & Biodiversity  Steps to Evolution:  2 nd Step: Natural Selection  = when some individuals of a pop have genetically-based trait that increase their chances of survival and reproduction under certain environmental conditions  “nature selects individuals”  Three conditions: 1. Genetic variability in trait 2. Trait is heritable 3. Trait leads to differential reproduction (individuals with trait leave more offspring)

16 APES Monday, September 23 rd  Reminders & Announcements:  Unit 3 Vocab is due TOMORROW!  Unit 3: Evolution & Biodiversity TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1 st.  Don’t forget about APES in the News Project  Today’s Schedule  2 nd period – About Wednesday  Continue Unit 3 Notes!

17 Evolution & Biodiversity  Natural selection causes adaptations to become more common in succeeding populations  Adaptation: heritable trait that enable organisms to better survive & reproduce  Example: Antibiotic & Pesticide Resistance

18 Evolution  Three Common Myths about Evolution  “Survival of the fittest” is not “survival of the strongest”  Organisms do not develop traits out of need or want  No grand plan of nature for perfect adaptation

19 Evolution & Biodiversity  How do new species evolve?  Speciation: one species splits into two or more species  1 st : Geographic isolation: physical isolation of populations for a long period  2 nd : Reproductive isolation: mutations & natural selection in isolated pops lead to inability to produce viable offspring

20 Evolution & Biodiversity  Example of Speciation:

21 Evolution & Biodiversity  Coevolution:  When 2 species interact over time, they can change the direction of each other’s evolution

22 Evolution & Biodiversity  Human-Caused Evolution:  Artificial selection: selective breeding for traits  Genetic engineering: modifying & combining genes of organisms; leads to genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) (Ex: crops with various resistance; insulin-making bacteria; food with vitamins)

23 Evolution & Biodiversity  Evolution leads to Species Diversity  Species Diversity: number & variety of species in an area; two components:  Species richness: # of species  Species evenness: comparative numbers of individuals of each species  The most species-rich environments are:  Tropical rain forests  Coral reefs  Large tropical lakes  Ocean bottom

24 Evolution & Biodiversity  Species’ Roles  Niche: the functional role that an organism plays in a community or ecosystem  Fundamental vs. Realized  Species’ niche includes:  Adaptations  Habitat  Range of tolerance to env. conditions  Types of resources used  Interactions with other species  Place in energy flow & matter cycling

25 Evolution & Biodiversity  Two Types of Species with Respect to Niches:  Generalist species have Broad Niches  Live in many habitats, eat variety of food, tolerate wide range of environmental conditions Deer Rats & mice Coyotes

26 Evolution & Biodiversity  Two Types of Species with Respect to Niches:  Specialist species have Narrow Niches  Live in one type of habitat, eat few types of food, tolerate narrow range of environmental conditions  More prone to extinction Tiger salamander Red –cockaded woodpecker Giant panda

27 APES Tuesday, September 24 th  Reminders & Announcements:  2 nd period – Report to Room 104 on Wednesday  Unit 3: Evolution & Biodiversity TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1 st.  Don’t forget about APES in the News Project  Today’s Schedule  Turn in Unit 3 Vocab & Take Quiz  Continue Unit 3 Notes!

28 Biodiversity  Which is Better - Generalist or Specialist?  To avoid competition  resource partitioning of specialists (especially in fairly constant environmental conditions, such as Tropical Rain forests)  Example: specialized feeding niches of coastal birds:

29 Evolution & Biodiversity  Adaptive Radiation can result in Specialists  Adaptive radiation: evolutionary divergence of a single species into a variety of species when new niches are available Left: honeycreepers on Hawaii Right: finches on Galapagos

30 Evolution & Biodiversity  Species Can Play Five Major Roles within their Environment:  Native species  Nonnative species  Indicator species: provide early warning of damage to a community  Frogs, butterflies, birds

31  Special Focus: Amphibian Decline  According to the IUCN, about 32% of all known amphibian species are threatened with extinction, and populations of 43% of the species are declining  Frogs are sensitive to environmental disruption at various points in their life cycle  Eggs have no protection from UV radiation or pollution  Adults absorb pollutants through skin Evolution & Biodiversity

32  Special Focus: Amphibian Decline  Causes include:  Habitat loss & fragmentation  Climate change  Increased UV radiation  Viral & Fungal Diseases: Chytrid fungus  Pollution: pesticides (atrazine)  Overhunting (frog legs)  Nonnative predators & competitors  Why should we care: indicators, role as predators, pharmaceuticals Evolution & Biodiversity

33 Evolution & Biodiversty  Species Can Play Five Major Roles within Environment cont.:  Keystone species: roles have a large effect on the types and abundances of other species  Top predators, pollinators; Ex: American alligator  Foundation species: Create or enhance their habitats, which benefit others  Ex: Alligators, beavers, elephants

34 Evolution & Biodiversity  Biodiversity Loss:  Extinction: loss of a species  Background extinction: typical low rate of extinction  1-5 species have go extinct for every million species  Mass extinction: significant rise in extinction rates above the background  Widespread/ global event in which 25-70% of species are lost  3-5 have occurred over past 500 million years  Can lead to adaptive radiations

35 Evolution & Biodiversity  Human-Caused Biodiversity Loss:  Estimated to be 100 to 1,000 times natural background rate  Caused by deforestation & habitat loss, pollution, introduced species, climate change, poaching, etc.

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