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Nanotechnology and Sustainability in the Construction Industry

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1 Nanotechnology and Sustainability in the Construction Industry
by Mohd Raihan Taha Institute for Environment & Development (LESTARI), & Dept of Civil & Structural Engineering Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

2 Contents Introduction Our Natural Resources
Use of Nanomaterials for Sustainability Nanomaterials for Construction Moving Forward and Challenges Conclusions

3 Introduction The Gärtnerplatzbrücke (inaugurated in 2007) across the Fulda River in Kassel Germany is made of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC)

4 Introduction Wild-Brücke in Völkermarkt (Carinthia, Austria), a bridge inaugurated in October 2010 and worldwide the first medium-sized road bridge whose main support structure was made of UHCP.

5 Introduction (UHPC)

6 Introduction & Engineering
Brundtland Commission of the United Nations on March 20, 1987: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Wikipedia

7 Introduction J. Nanoparticle Res. (2012)

8 Our Natural Resources Our natural resources Ozone Layer

9 Use of Nanomaterials for Sustainability
Effective Pollution Breakdown/Removal Substitutes for Environmentally Unfriendly Materials Improvements of Materials – - use of efficiently (small amount) and innovatively.

10 Nanomaterials for Construction
Nanoparticles, nanofibers, nanomeshes for performance enhancement Nanosilica particles Al2O3 nanofibres high-performance and self-compacting concrete with improved workability and ultra high strength with exceptional energy-absorbing capacity

11 Nanomaterials for Construction
Paints and finishing materials with self-cleaning properties, discoloration resistance, anti-graffiti protection, and high scratch-and-wear resistance

12 Nanomaterials for Construction
Self-cleaning materials based on photocatalyst technology

13 Nanomaterials for Construction
Nanometer-thin coatings that protect carbon steel against corrosion and enhance thermal insulation of window glass

14 Nanomaterials for Construction
Smart stress-sensing composites

15 Nanomaterials for Construction
Self healing concrete

16 Nanomaterials for Construction
Steel – 5 x more corrosion-resistant and 3 x stronger than conventional steel

17 Nanomaterials for Construction
“A solution looking for problem” € 2000/g /2000 € 0.1/g --- Now Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)

18 Nanomaterials for Construction
Compressive strength of cement (94%)-CNT+nano metakaolin (6%) mortars after 28 days hydration (Morsy et al. 2011)

19 Nanomaterials for Construction
Results of unconfined compressive strength test for regular and nano magnesium treated residual soil (UKM study)

20 Nanomaterials for Construction
Performance of mortars in fire. Sample P is the control specimen without flyash and nano silica. FS3 is sample with flyash and nano silica (UKM study)

21 Nanomaterials for Construction
Crack intensity factor for swelling soils with and without nanomaterials (UKM study)

22 Example of engineering program educational objectives (PEO)
Moving Forward and Challenges Training of engineers Example of engineering program educational objectives (PEO)

23 Processing and toxicity Green chemistry and processing
Moving Forward and Challenges Processing and toxicity Green chemistry and processing

24 Funding for sustainability
Moving Forward and Challenges Funding for sustainability Education INNOVATION

25 Conclusions Sustainability and Nanotechnology.
Natural resources are diminishing. Nanomaterials to aid sustainability of natural resources. Applications of nanomaterial for construction e.g. SiO2, CNT, etc. Challenges – education, toxicity, funding  INNOVATION



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