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R eality of Organizational Improvement OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General.

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Presentation on theme: "R eality of Organizational Improvement OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General."— Presentation transcript:

1 R eality of Organizational Improvement OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

2 2 Purpose: To discuss the challenges of affecting dramatic cultural change and performance improvement in a traditional Federal organization. OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

3 3 In the beginning……… OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

4 4 Challenges –An organization that had a reputation of hard hitting audits and investigations –Audit recommendations that were not being implemented –Audits were not answering the larger questions on program effectiveness OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

5 5 Our Change Model OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

6 6 Learning Adding continuous learning to our strategy –Instructed in high performance systems models such as Baldrige and HPO, Covey and personal leadership –Established a leadership philosophy and values system to lead the organization and assess our performance –Established the teamwork orientation toward work assignments –Codified our new performance criteria into a System Applications Guide which included: Baldrige, HPO, GAO Human Capital Criteria, President’s Management Agenda, and PART OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

7 7 OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General Systems Improved our Management Systems Developed Strategic Planning Process linked to Budget Initiated multi-year assignment planning Linked planning and staffing to better inform our hiring decisions Developing integrated management information system

8 8 OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General Systems Build New Human Resources Systems and Processes Developed a Career Management Framework Designed a New Performance Appraisal Process Developed the Expectations Agreement Designed and Implemented a Training Information System Implemented a Skills Inventory System Conducted Workforce Planning Established a New Awards Program

9 9 New Products Program Evaluation– beyond compliance to effectiveness Cyber-crime Investigations Lab Fraud Investigations OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

10 10 OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General Immediate Office of the Inspector General Office of Investigations Office of Program Evaluation Office of Financial & Systems Audits Office of Planning, Analysis and Results The current state………………… Office of Human Capital

11 11 Lessons Learned –Building a leadership team takes constant work and nurturing –Moving from a bureaucratic culture to one of high performance “intrapreneur” is difficult to achieve and hard to sustain –The “Teachable Point of View” is critical OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

12 12 Lessons Learned (cont.) –Once you move beyond compliance, to affect change, you must be an authority in the work of your clients. OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

13 13 Lessons Learned (cont.) –To remain effectiv, you must work the network (beneficiary and food chain). You must understand your niche, your competitive position and bring value to the client. –You’re as good as your last assignment OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

14 14 Lessons Learned (cont.) –To move to system 3plus, you must work the “demand” function. –You need to constantly assess performance against goals. Plan, Do, Check, Act OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

15 15 Lessons Learned (cont.) –The journey is one without a finish line. –To achieve change in culture, performance and personal accountability, you must have “Leadership” at every level. –Keep a sense of humor and be willing admit your mistakes. OIG Catalyst for Improving the Environment Office of Inspector General

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