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THE CHARGE TO PETER Text: John 21. Shortly after the events of the crucifixion and the resurrection Jesus again appeared to several of the apostles by.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CHARGE TO PETER Text: John 21. Shortly after the events of the crucifixion and the resurrection Jesus again appeared to several of the apostles by."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shortly after the events of the crucifixion and the resurrection Jesus again appeared to several of the apostles by the Sea of Galilee. The occasion was the morning after Peter had said to several of the apostles who were gathered together, “I am going fishing.”

3 Seven of the apostles had been together when he said this. We are not told why the men were together, only that they were together. We know from other scripture that at least four of the apostles were fishermen by trade; Peter, Andrew, James and John.

4 Whether Peter felt the need to catch fish to support his family or wanted a means of diversion and relaxation, we are not told.

5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Jesus appeared to them on this occasion because He had unfinished business. Although Peter’s faith had been restored, the Lord had not finished His work with Peter. Matt. 16:18,19. Jesus here defined the role of Peter, and of the others, a role that has often been misunderstood.

6 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

7 WHAT WAS CONFERRED UPON PETER? Jesus was not conferring a position upon Peter and the others, but He was conferring a duty and responsibility. The dialogue on the beach reinforced all that He had taught these men. The conversation between Jesus and Peter reveals the true role that Jesus had in mind for Peter, and dispels at

8 FALSE TEACHINGS the same time the false teachings about the apostle that would follow in time. Jesus did not and had not appointed Peter the chief or head apostle. He was not setting Peter up to become the earthly head of the church. Jesus was seeking to impress upon Peter what it really meant to love Him.

9 Jesus already knew that Peter loved Him immensely. Jesus wanted Peter to fully understand what it meant to love the Lord. *This lesson is one that all members of the Lord’s church need to fully understand.

10 Only when Peter realized what the Lord wanted him to realize would he be completely focused on the task at hand. Jesus wanted Peter to be focused on what the Lord was focused on: the welfare of the sheep.

11 THE COST OF COMMITMENT Jesus wanted Peter to fully understand what his commitment would cost him. Peter was to understand that his commitment would eventually cost him his life. Peter was to understand from the Lord that there is no such thing as partial commitment.


13 What we fail to understand perhaps is that Jesus was also restoring a relationship!

14 “But Lord, what about this man?” It would appear that Peter was a bit defensive in offering this question. Jesus had pointedly questioned Peter regarding his love for the Lord. Jesus fully knew that unless and until Peter was completely focused on the task at hand, he would not accomplish what the Lord wanted from him.

15 Peter seemed to be chafed somewhat at the questioning, and that he had been singled out by the Lord. Knowing the relationship between Jesus and John, perhaps Peter was asking if the same would be expected of John.

16 THE RESPONSE OF JESUS “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow me.” Jesus was not saying that John would not die, as was told among the brethren. Jesus was pointedly drawing Peter’s attention to himself.

17 He was saying to Peter that he could only do what he was expected to do if he with singleness of mind focused on his personal responsibility to the Lord.

18 CONCLUSION To be a faithful, productive follower of the Lord requires focus and dedication. One can only accomplish and do what the Lord expects of him by realizing that there is a required level of commitment that must be exercised by the one who chooses to follow Jesus. One must understand fully what the costs of discipleship will be.


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