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St Nic’s Site Development (Steve’s Introduction).

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Presentation on theme: "St Nic’s Site Development (Steve’s Introduction)."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Nic’s Site Development (Steve’s Introduction)

2 We need... Better Facilities Green Space

3 Yellow Space Blue Spac e Green Space

4 We need... Better Facilities Green Space Partnerships

5 whole (hōl) adj. 1. a.Containing all components; complete. b. Not divided or disjoined; in one unit. c. Constituting the full amount, extent, or duration. 2. a. Not wounded, injured, or impaired; sound or unhurt. b. Having been restored; healed.

6 Future of 79 Maid Marian Way


8 Introducing the Working Party Peter Ellis Helen McCloughry Rachel Broughton Peter Wright Paul Geeson

9 What it looks like now Maid Marian Way Present

10 What it looks like now Over the fence Present

11 What it looks like now The ‘garden’ Present

12 Context St Nicholas as part of Castle Quarter Future of the area Castle Redevelopment Broadmarsh Retail Shopping Centre Maid Marian Way Other probable and consequential changes Context

13 Issues affecting the site and its utilisation (1) Access Limitation of Access impeded development of the site Right of Way to rear Enhanced parking on MMW Structure Issues

14 Issues affecting the site and its utilisation (2) Planning Governance What or who will run the new building and who will own it. Initial Costs Legal, survey and promotional costs Issues

15 Issues affecting the site and its utilisation (3) Sustainability Building must be sustainable and not leave a legacy of debt for future generations. Unmet need Are we well positioned to identify and meet the unmet needs of our community? Issues

16 Finance Capital and Revenue Capital Cost about £2.5 million Revenue costs not yet known. Finance

17 Questions How long? Where will the money come from? What is the Christian Mission? How will we run it? Who will we serve?

18 Psalm 127:1-2 Unless the Lord builds the house the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat.

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