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PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI Procedure Review SODI-PROC-REVIEW :30 A Crew Additional Activities TEXT Flexible.

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Presentation on theme: "PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI Procedure Review SODI-PROC-REVIEW :30 A Crew Additional Activities TEXT Flexible."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI Procedure Review SODI-PROC-REVIEW :30 A Crew Additional Activities TEXT Flexible

2 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI Hardware Locate SODI-H/W-LOCATE :30 A Crew Additional Activities TEXT Flexible

3 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DSC Hardware Setup without Cell Array 1:00 MSG-FACILITY-ACT :10 MSG-RACK PWRUP-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 3:00 SODI-DSC-S/U W/O CA :30 MSG-MLC-CONFIG CMD 1:00 PRO-MSG ACT-CMD SODI-LAB-VIDEO B A Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations

4 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DC Mix Checkout without Cell Array :55 :30 MSG-SODI-EXP ON CMD :30 MSG-SODI-EXP OFF CMD *SAMS data is not a hard requirement and should not preclude SODI operations. **Required every 5 hours when MSG Facility powered. Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE 1:00 PRO-PLMDM FILE-CMD > :20 SODI-DSC-CA INSTALL 16/00:00 DCM-C/O-W/O CA CMD B SAMS-MSG TSH/ES-OPS* (See SAMS Public Service MSG Operations PPO) SODI-H/W-PWR 214.0 MSG-DCM-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 C MSG-MLC-CLEANUP CMD** Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE SODI-LAB-VIDEO

5 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DC Mix Cell Array 2 Checkout and Flash Disk 1 Ops :15 :30 MSG-SODI-EXP ON CMD :30 MSG-SODI-EXP OFF CMD *SAMS data is not a hard requirement and should not preclude SODI operations. **Required every 5 hours when MSG Facility powered. Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE 1:00 PRO-PLMDM FILE-CMD > :20 DSC-FLASH DISK-XCHG 22/00:00 DCM-C/O-CA2FDSK1 CMD C SAMS-MSG TSH/ES-OPS* (See SAMS Public Service MSG Operations PPO) SODI-H/W-PWR 214.0 MSG-DCM-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 D MSG-MLC-CLEANUP CMD** Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE

6 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DC Mix Cell Array 2 Flash Disk 2 Ops :15 :30 MSG-SODI-EXP ON CMD :30 MSG-SODI-EXP OFF CMD *SAMS data is not a hard requirement and should not preclude SODI operations. **Required every 5 hours when MSG Facility powered. Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE 1:00 PRO-PLMDM FILE-CMD > :20 DSC-FLASH DISK-XCHG 21/00:00 DCM-CA2FDSK2-RUN CMD D SAMS-MSG TSH/ES-OPS* (See SAMS Public Service MSG Operations PPO) SODI-H/W-PWR 214.0 MSG-DCM-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 E MSG-MLC-CLEANUP CMD** Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE

7 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DC Mix Cell Array 2 Flash Disk 3 Ops :10 :30 MSG-SODI-EXP ON CMD :30 MSG-SODI-EXP OFF CMD *SAMS data is not a hard requirement and should not preclude SODI operations. **Required every 5 hours when MSG Facility powered. Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE 1:00 PRO-PLMDM FILE-CMD SODI-EHD-CONNECT 14/00:00 DCM-CA2FDSK3-RUN CMD E SAMS-MSG TSH/ES-OPS* (See SAMS Public Service MSG Operations PPO) SODI-H/W-PWR 214.0 MSG-DCM-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 F MSG-MLC-CLEANUP CMD** Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE

8 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE SODI DC Mix Flash Disk File Backups*** *SAMS data is not a hard requirement and should not preclude SODI operations. **Required every 5 hours MSG Facility powered. ***Performed 3 times, once for each Flash Disk ****Duration will be increased as needed during realtime operations if activity spans a weekend, due to SODI stand down over weekends. Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations :30 2/00:00**** DCM-FDSK-FILE BU CMD F :15 :30 MSG-SODI-EXP OFF CMD > :20 DSC-FLASH DISK-XCHG MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITE SAMS-MSG TSH/ES-OPS* (See SAMS Public Service MSG Operations PPO) SODI-H/W-PWR 214.0 MSG-DCM-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 MSG-MLC-CLEANUP CMD** F MSG-SODI-EXP ON CMD Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended RUN 1, 2 G OR RUN 3 > :20

9 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI DSC Hardware Stow Assume MSG Facility is operating 24/7 for DSC Operations 2:45 DSC-H/W-STOW ALT G :10 MSG-FACILITY-PWR DN 1:00 PRO-MSG DACT-CMD MSG-FAC-OPS4 NO LITEMSG-FAC-OPS MODE 4 SODI-LAB-VIDEO Crew Commanding Additional Activities Unattended :10 MSG-FAC CONFIG-CMD

10 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 SODI Flash Disk Wrap* SODI-FLASH DISK-WRAP :30 Crew Additional Activities TEXT Flexible *Schedule as late as possible prior to 36S descent.

11 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 Change#RevisionIncDateCrew Roll-up* (hrs) PTP (hrs) Crew Roll-up Notes EO10-PPO-11- 035 Baseline29/30 & Subs 9/22/11Colloid Nominal: 6.09 Reserve: 0 DSC Nominal: 7.84 Reserve: 0 Inc 29/30 Working PTP 8/10/11 Colloid Nominal: 5.92 Reserve: 0 DSC Nominal: 7.75 Reserve: 0 Colloid Operations run for 3 separate weeks, i.e., MSG not running 24x7 for Colloid ops. Assume full SODI hardware stow required and that DSC does not immediately follow Colloid Operations. DSC Operations assume MSG running 24x7 and DSC processing Cell Array 1 only. Assume DSC does not immediately follow Colloid Operations, requiring SODI hardware setup. EO10-PPO-13- 017 Revision A35/36 & Subs 7/24/13SODI DC Mix Nominal: 3.34 Reserve: 0 SODI DC Mix Partner Agreement Nominal: 5.0 Total: 8.34 Inc 35/36 Working PTP 3/27/13 SODI DCMIX Partner Agreement Nominal: 4.58 Reserve: 0 Inc 37/38 Working PTP 3/22/13 SODI DCMIX Nominal: 0.92 Reserve: 0 SODI DC MIX Partner Agreement Nominal: 3.25 DSC Operations assume MSG running 24x7. DSC Operations include DC Mix hardware setup, DC Mix engineering checkout and checkout runs, followed by processing of 20 Cell Array 2 runs completed in 3 separate commanding periods with DSC Flash Disk exchanges and DSC hardware stow. SODI PPO Change Log *Crew Roll-up is not maintained real-time.

12 PARC/D. Westbrook Revision B 10/23/13 Change#RevisionIncDateCrew Roll-up* (hrs) PTP (hrs) Crew Roll-up Notes EO10-PPO-13- 034 Revision B37/38 & Subs 10/23/13SODI DC Mix Nominal: 9.67 Reserve: 0 Inc 37/38 Working PTP 9/20/13 Line 29: SODI-DCMIX Nominal: 3.25 Reserve: 0 Line 182: SODI-DCMIX Nominal 0.92 Reserve: 0 Line 183: SODI DC-MIX Nominal: 3.75 Reserve: 0 Crew-time shared with NASA. 5hr per cell array on NASA allocation are provided ot ESA-DCMIX experiment. Crew-time included for the Flash Disks packing before return (40 mins.) Partner agreement for first 5 hours per cell array – NASA charge. Please note that part of the crew time bonus already taken in Inc. 35-36. Crew-time shared with NASA. 5h per run on NASA allocation are provided to ESA DCMIX experiment (Refer to 10-01-01 Fulfilling Agreement tab). Crew-time included for the Flash Disks packing before return (40 minutes). This is to support CA#2 brought up on 53P in I36. SODI PPO Change Log *Crew Roll-up is not maintained real-time.

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