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Jeff Warnock COSC 352 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring 2010.

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1 Jeff Warnock COSC 352 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring 2010


3  LANs share data, processing and communication  As the area a LAN spans becomes greater, so does the chance of interception  Information security – Protecting data traveling throughout the network Authentication, confidentiality, access control  Mail v E-mail

4  Distributed File Sharing Client access control to server Protected server to unprotected client  Remote computing Authentication and access restrictions  Messaging services Confidentiality and integrity of messages Home

5  Goals of stored, processed and transmitted data Confidentiality Integrity Availability  Goals of information sharing Authentication of senders and receivers Home

6  Access Unauthorized Inappropriate  Disclosure Data Traffic  Unauthorized Modification  LAN Spoofing  LAN Disruption Home

7  Authentication  Access control  Confidentiality  Integrity  Non-repudiation  Logging and Monitoring Home

8  Estimate losses Use or dependency  Analyze threats and vulnerabilities  Determine security mechanisms Reduce risk to acceptable level

9  Define the Scope and Boundary and Methodology  Identify and Value Assets  Identify Threats and Determine Likelihood  Measure Risk  Select Appropriate Safeguards  Implement and Test Safeguards  Accept Residual Risk (Federal Information Processing Standards, 1994) Home

10 Federal Information Processing Standards. (1994). Guideline for The Analysis Local Area Network Security. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 191, 6-30

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