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Information Session on ASB Services Liz Smith, ASB Service Manager.

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1 Information Session on ASB Services Liz Smith, ASB Service Manager

2 The Evolution of ASB Service Satisfaction has increased since 2006/7 ASB Service Accredited Twice React ASB System Robust 1:1 process & effective case management Effective use of injunctions Resources have increased Strong witness support service Audit Commission – “strengths significantly outweigh weaknesses”

3 What Customers thought? Need effective and earlier intervention in cases All ASB should be dealt with by ASB Team Too frightened – labelled a “snitch” Officers need be more proactive and take quicker action Need better communication between NHO/ASB team Put more staff time into sensitive areas More support for Victims More work with parents & young people More support for young tenancies Raise Awareness & Confidence

4 Evolution of ASB Services Piloted new ways of working One ASB Officer dedicated to a geographical area Dealt with all cases of ASB including low level Work collaboratively with the NHO’s on the patches Reviewed outcomes periodically Staff opinion – well received Rolled out Borough-wide Further increase in resources via the Area Teams Some ASB remained with NHO Introduced Positive Engagement Service (best practice) Developed witness support services

5 Use of Tools & Powers ASB, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Abolition of ASBOs – new juvenile Injunctions Positive requirements Community Notices Mandatory Possession New Closure Orders Effective project plan to implement – main tools went live in March 2015

6 New Tools and Powers Delegated CPN powers – Registered Provider Served 7 to date for gardens Two have been prosecuted Secured 116 Injunctions – majority without notice Two juvenile Positive Requirements on notice – Managed by PEO Two Closure Orders with a Third lined up Feedback from Stockport County Court

7 New tools & Powers – Mandatory Possession Injunctions with proven breaches Closure Orders Serious Criminal Offences Breach of a Noise Abatement Notice Breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order Notice Includes discretionary ground Served three to date

8 Positive Engagement Service Three Legged Stool P.I.E Bench marking exercise Gentoo Sunderland. Recruitment of 2 PEO’s.

9 Positive Engagement Service Tenants with complex needs involved in serious and persistent ASB, and are at risk of losing their tenancy. Referrals from ASB Officers. Detailed and structured needs and risk assessment, and support plan. Often take the lead in developing action plans or acting as a conduit with partner agencies to establish or maintain engagement. Our main role is to help stop ASB by enabling client to sustain tenancies and bringing about lasting behavioural changes, and improved emotional and physical wellbeing for all parties

10 Positive Engagement Services Innovative and persistent approach to our work. ‘Carrot and Stick’ approach. Strong cultivated links with partner agencies. Thorough risk assessment process and information sharing. Diverse range of skills and knowledge bases within the team. 58 referrals year to date 41 cases (71%) have avoided legal action – no further ASB Efficiencies saved in legal costs = £56,402

11 Victim Support Officers in place to provide intensive support to those witnesses most in need. Support tailored to meet the needs of the individual through a Needs Assessment. Maintains agreed level of contact. Support before, during and after court.

12 Victim Support Pre court visits Risk assessment of the security of the victim’s home Arrange counselling Our of hours Service Target Hardening CCTV Scheme

13 How are we performing? Cases successfully resolved – 98.31% Average number of days – 63 Satisfaction with outcome – 98.02% Satisfaction kept informed – 98.45% Satisfaction with how case handled – 98%

14 Any Questions? tel: 0161 218 1381

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