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CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD. Not chews rightward.. FRAGRANCE V. ODOR  Fragrance:  a: a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers, pine trees, or perfume)

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Presentation on theme: "CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD. Not chews rightward.. FRAGRANCE V. ODOR  Fragrance:  a: a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers, pine trees, or perfume)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD. Not chews rightward.

2 FRAGRANCE V. ODOR  Fragrance:  a: a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers, pine trees, or perfume)  Odor: a sensation resulting from adequate stimulation of the olfactory organ : smellsmell  Although they both are synonyms for smell, they have slightly different connotations.









11  Now write two sentences for each word using them in the right context.  Ex. That bouquet has a lovely fragrance.  Ex. The odor coming from Jimmy’s locker was horrific.

12 POSITIVE V. NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS  Although synonym mean virtually the same thing, some carry positive connotations and others carry negative connotations.  Now use your hand out to rank the synonyms from most positive to least.

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