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SWAN June Quarterly Meeting Presented by Aaron Skog, SWAN Executive Director June 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "SWAN June Quarterly Meeting Presented by Aaron Skog, SWAN Executive Director June 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWAN June Quarterly Meeting Presented by Aaron Skog, SWAN Executive Director June 2, 2016

2  Enterprise improvement (5 parts)  Lansing & Franklin Park go-live in SWAN  Continue with existing pilots  Continue to offer training for library support staff


4 Enterprise Display Changes Local copies now appear in search results View More Copies linked to detailed display Before After!

5 Enterprise Display Changes  The content at the top of the detailed display has been compressed to reduce scrolling  The bottom of the detailed display now uses tabs to present information  The display of personal information will include patron expiration date and last activity date  More space for library logo; all themes now have white background in header  The library logo now links to the Enterprise home page instead of your library’s home page  Updated themes! If you want to change your color scheme, please submit a help ticket Updated Enterprise Themes and Display Changes Announcement

6 Better Facets Data Work Complete! New Format Facet

7 Step 1: Merge Design site audit (complete) Step 2: User Experience Quantitative Survey  20-25 questions to address key priorities  Online survey to garner patron input  Include questions to build focus groups Step 3: User Qualitative Study  Using survey to move to in-person activity  Two 1 hour groups of 4 patrons  3 segments: guided by survey results, e.g. English as second language, parents, mobile users Step 4:Final Recommendations  Building off findings, develop wireframes for key webpages  Develop additional documentation or guides as needed to create roadmap for implementation  Design 3-5 templates to visually convey graphic UI elements and design-based recommendations  Involve SirsiDynix Library Relations Manager & Enterprise Product Manager throughout

8 Lansing April 19 Go-live Franklin Park May 10 Go-live

9  Bibliographic database converted to BIBFRAME  SirsiDynix partnership with Zepheria   Awaiting Google & search companies to index our data  RSA consortium (East Peoria) now indexed

10 23 hours training offered March – May 2016 2 classes cataloger support training 7 classes “Spring Forward” circulation support 17 library visits arranged for next two months


12 Change implemented to Tomcat service off-hours by SirsiDynix resulted in Web Services configuration issues March 30 th (11 hours, unplanned, off- hours) High system load averages possibly resulting from a series of failed SIP2 server interactions April 19 th (15 minutes, unplanned) ISP network outage affecting Burr Ridge data center and surrounding area April 21 st (5 minutes, unplanned) ISP network outage affecting Burr Ridge data center and surrounding area April 25 th (5 minutes, unplanned) ISP network outage affecting Burr Ridge data center and surrounding area April 29 th (5 minutes, unplanned) Database maintenance and rebuild relating to ongoing Enterprise record projects May 28 th – May 30 th (36 hours, planned)

13 SirsiDynix SaaS server Jboss system service error March 3 rd (30 minutes, unplanned) SirsiDynix SaaS server encryption service error March 5 th (1 hour, unplanned) Change implemented to Tomcat service off-hours by SirsiDynix resulted in Web Services configuration issues March 30th (11 hours, unplanned, off-hours) Overnight maintenance of the Enterprise data harvest had failed, resulting in a display/availability of only a small portion of catalog search results April 27 th (5 hours, unplanned) (Partial Outage) Database maintenance and rebuild relating to ongoing Enterprise record projects May 28 th – May 30 th (36 hours, planned)

14 ProjectMarch Q12016June Q2 2016Sept Q3 2016 MobileCircNow Live SVARolling Out BLUEcloud VisibilityAwaiting Indexing BLUEcloud CatalogingPilot Credit Card SwipesPilot BookMyne PlusPilot Enterprise Profiles & RoomsDUX pilot Enterprise EBSCO EDSProgress Report BLUEcloud AnalyticsProgress Report Symphony OutreachProgress Report Symphony 3.5.1 UpgradeAnnounce Strategic Partnership Program (SPP)Introduction Social Library (Facebook Integration)Progress Report Portfolio (digital collections)Progress Report

15  BLUEcloud Cataloging  Bookmyne Plus  MobileCirc  ProPay credit card swipes  SVA pilot

16  5 SWAN Cataloging Libraries  Downers Grove  Morton Arboretum  Oak Lawn  Oak Park  Tinley Park

17  Held March 9 & March 23  Licensed 40 libraries  Activated 93 devices

18  Membership-wide implementation  Monday, June 6 th  Unless requested otherwise  Marketing materials shared on SWAN support site

19  Waiting on ProPay EMV, aka “Chip & PIN”  Pilot at Oak Lawn using magnetic swipes  Configured Circulation Desk  Symphony  ProPay EMV Position & Roadmap

20  Article Search integration in Enterprise  Subscription resources Gale, EBSCO, others  DUX Libraries pilot  Downers Grove Public Library Downers Grove Public Library  Eisenhower Public Library Eisenhower Public Library  Indian Prairie Public Library Indian Prairie Public Library  Tinley Park Public Library Tinley Park Public Library  Woodridge Public Library Woodridge Public Library  Enterprise Development Profiles

21  Patron authentication via OpenAthens service (NEW)  July 22 EBSCO training for library staff to learn and practice  Go-live TBD

22  Classes during July 22 session  Sign-up for BLUEcloud Analytics staff logins will be announced  Further SWAN classes planned

23  Lansing Public Library SWAN “pilot”  Outreach module allows library staff to identify, select, and distribute library materials for users unable to come to the library  Users will typically be homebound and nursing home residents, but could also include day care centers and hospitals requesting materials for people in their care

24  Upgrade from 3.5 to  Improvements to MobileCirc  Wizard name size modifiable  SirsiDynix Support Release Notes:  Tuesday, July 12 scheduled

25 FIRST EVER FULL SWAN MEMBERSHIP MEETING FRIDAY JULY 22 SAVE THE DATE Moraine Valley Community College Accommodation for 350 Attendees Breakout Sessions in Classrooms Hands-on Computer Lab Training 64 Seats!

26 Aaron Skog 630-734-5122 Member Services 630-734-5153

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