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呼吸系统 Respiratory System

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1 呼吸系统 Respiratory System
泰山医学院人体解剖学教研室 赵振美

2 Composition Nose Pharynx upper respiratory tract Larynx Trachea
lower respiratory tract Bronchi 肺Lungs-paired organs of respiration Function: supply the body with oxygen and to get rid of excess carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism

3 鼻 Nose

4 鼻 Nose External nose: Root of nose Back of nose Apex of nose
Alae of nasi Nasal cavity –divided into two halves by nasal septum

5 Two parts: Divided by鼻阈 limen nasi Nasal vestibule Proper nasal cavity
Boundaries of proper nasal cavity Roof-cribriform plate of ethmoid Floor-hard palate Medial wall-nasal septum Lateral wall Nasal conchae: superior, middle and inferior Nasal meatus: superor, middle and inferior Sphenoethmoidal recess

6 Remove the middle nasal conchae
半月裂孔Semilunar hiatus 筛漏斗Ethmoidal infundibulum 筛泡Ethmoidal bulla

7 Mucous membrane of nose
嗅区Olfactory region: located upper nasal cavity, above superior,nasal conchae,contains olfactory cells 呼吸区Respiratory region : its function is to warm, moisten, and clean the inspired air

8 鼻旁窦The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose
Name of sinus Site of drainage Frontal sinus Middle meatus via infundibulum Maxillary sinus Middle meatus through semilunar hiatus Sphenoid sinus Sphenoethmoidal recess Ethmoidal sinuses anterior group middle group posterior group Middle meatus Superior nasal meatus

9 Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Maxillary sinus

10 喉The Larynx Position-situated in the anterior part of the neck (below the hyoid bone), and extends from vertebral level of C3 to C6

11 喉软骨Layngeal cartilages
甲状软骨Thyroid cartilage Shield-shaped cartilage Laryngeal prominence at base of thyroid notch Superior thyroid notch, superior and inferior cornua 环状软骨Cricoid cartilage Complete ring of cartilage (shaped like a signet ring) Arch of cricoid cartilage-at level of C6 Lamina of cricoid cartilage

12 Paired, pyramid shaped, articulate with lamina of cricoid cartilage
杓状软骨Arytenoid Paired, pyramid shaped, articulate with lamina of cricoid cartilage Vocal process anteriorly, site of posterior attachment of vocal fold Muscular process 会厌软骨Epiglottic cartilage leaf-shaped elastic cartilage situated behind the root of the tongue

13 环甲关节cricothyroid joint 环杓关节cricoarytenoid joint
喉的关节Laryngeal joints 环甲关节cricothyroid joint 环杓关节cricoarytenoid joint 喉韧带和膜Laryngeal ligaments and membrane 甲状舌骨膜Thyrohyroid membrane -extending from hyoid bone to thyroid cartilage

14 -between cricoid cartilage and first ring of trachea
方形膜Quadrangular membrane Between epiglottic, thyroid and arytenoid cartilages Lower free border forms前庭韧带vestibular ligament 弹性圆锥Conus elasticus Between thyroid,arytenoids, and cricoid cartilages Upper free border forms声韧带vocal ligament Median cricothyroid ligment 环甲正中韧带:may be site of circothyrotomy during acute respiratory obstruction 环状软骨气管韧带Cricotracheal ligament -between cricoid cartilage and first ring of trachea

15 喉肌Muscles of larynx Increasing tension on the vocal ligament-环甲肌cricothyroid Decreasing tension on the vocal ligament-甲杓肌thyroarytenoid Opening the glottis-环杓后肌posterior cricoarytenoid Closing the glottis- 杓肌cricoarytenoid

16 喉腔Laryngeal cavity Aperture of larynx 喉口-bounded by upper border epiglottic cartilage, aryepiglottic folds and interarytenoid notch

17 Two pairs of shelf like folds :
Structure features Two pairs of shelf like folds : Vestibular folds 前庭襞 Vocal folds 声襞 Two fissures Rima vestibuli 前庭裂 Fissure of glottis 声门裂 Inter membranous part膜间部 -anterior 3/5, between vocal-folds Inter cartilagrnous part 软骨间部 -posterior 2/5, between arytenoids cartilages

18 Three parts Laryngeal vestibule 喉前庭 Intermedial cavity of larynx喉中间腔
Extends from the aperture of larynx to the rima vestibuli Tubercle of epiglottis 会厌结节 Intermedial cavity of larynx喉中间腔 Extends from the level of the rima vestibuli to the level of the fissure of glottis Ventricle of larynx 喉室 -a small recess between vestibular and vocal folds on each side Infraglottic cavity 声门下腔 extends from the level of the vocal folds to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage

19 气管The Trachea Position: extends from the lower border of cricoid cartilage to the level of sternal angle (between T4-T5 vertebrae) where it divides into right and left principal bronchi Structure features Consists of about 14-17 C-shaped incomplete tracheal cartilages for patency connected by smooth muscle and connective 气管隆嵴Carina of trachea -ridge of cartilage at bifurcation into principal bronchi


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