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FY12 Programs & Services Assessment 11 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "FY12 Programs & Services Assessment 11 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY12 Programs & Services Assessment 11 October 2011

2 2 Agenda 1:00Purpose & Desired OutcomePieronek IntroductionAll Program Assessment Process FlowPieronek List of P&S To Be AssessedPieronek 1:20AssessmentPieronek/All See next two slides for more detail 4:30 Proposed Programs and ServicesPieronek 4:40SummaryPieronek 4:45Next Step & Budget PlanningDelVecchio 5:00Adjourn Page 2

3 3 Agenda 1:20Assessment Method 1:30Consent Agenda: SWE Magazine CPC/Corporate Membership Program 1:40Outreach Wow! That’s Engineering – signature event Wow! That’s Engineering – event-in-a-box 2:00External Public Policy 2:30Professional Development: Collegiate Leadership Coaching Leadership Coaching Page 3

4 Agenda 4 3:00Membership: Member Services – collegiate & professional – platform for training, communications & networking Virtual Communities – internal & external Awards – individual Awards – section 3:45Diversity & Inclusion Four pillars leadership training accountability communications pipeline Joint Memberships Multicultural Committee

5 5 Purpose and Desired Outcome Purpose To be sure we continue to offer the appropriate programs and services that support our strategic plan Desired Outcome To assess the list of programs and services and determine if the should be Continued Improved Sunset

6 6 Program Assessment Process Flow STEP 1 Prepare Program Assessment STEP 2 Annual Program Assessment And Review STEP 3 Budget Development for Improvement Programs STEP 4 Finalize and Approve Budget  Committees  HQ  BOD  Committees  BOD  HQ  Committees  HQ  BOD  Finance Committee Identify Programs to:  Continue  Improve  Sunset  Budget for Improvement Programs  Approved FYXX+1 Budget Page 6

7 Programs & Services Tracking 7

8 Assessment Page 8

9 9 Assessment Method Grouped by general category Begin with short introduction Answer questions regarding relevance, analysis, decision, next steps Encourage open, honest discussions Page 9

10 10 Strategic Implications Why is this program important to SWE? How does it fit in with the overall strategy? Page 10

11 11 Evaluation What criteria will we use to measure success? Do we have adequate measurements in place? Any value in the new financial questions asked in the P&S form? Page 11

12 12 Decision What will we do with this program/service? Page 12 ContinueImproveSunset

13 13 Consequences What changes will we make? Improve how? Sunset when? When do we want to re-evaluate? Nominally, every 3 years Page 13

14 Summary Page 14

15 Next Step & Budget Planning Page 15

16 Budget Planning for FY13

17 Adjourn

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