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ASTRONOMY BY TAYLOR. FIRST STEPS OF THE UNIVERSE  The big bang theory is known as the universes earliest times/period. The big bang left behind hydrogen.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTRONOMY BY TAYLOR. FIRST STEPS OF THE UNIVERSE  The big bang theory is known as the universes earliest times/period. The big bang left behind hydrogen."— Presentation transcript:


2 FIRST STEPS OF THE UNIVERSE  The big bang theory is known as the universes earliest times/period. The big bang left behind hydrogen monocles forming Protons, neutrons and electrons.  Protons are a part of an atom, they are made from hydrogen debris from the big bang, same goes for electrons and neutrons there just made with a different formula. Such as being made of helium and oxygen, helium is made of hydrogen.  The atom formed early stars when these stars runs out of nuclear fuel the planets mass heads towards the core. When the core gets to heavy to withstand its own gravitational force. Which results in the core collapsing turning into a super nova.

3 PLUTO  Pluto is a former planet in our solar system, it used to be as the ninth planet from the sun but today Pluto is called a dwarf planet, a dwarf planet cannot clear objects out of its orbiting path. Pluto orbits in the Kuiper belt.  In 2006 Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet. Pluto is the second largest dwarf planet and is the largest object in the Kuiper belt.  The Horizon spacecraft was launched in 2006, and in 2015 it passed Pluto. It is currently traveling beyond the Kuiper belt which Pluto orbits.

4 BLACK HOLES  A black hole is a region of space time showing such strong gravitational effect that particles and light cannot even escape. In theory a large amount of compacted mass can deform space time.  Black holes can be big or small scientists believe black holes can be as small as an atom but still have the mass of a large mountain.  A Stellar is another type of black hole it can be up to twenty times the mass of the sun, Earths galaxy may hold many Steller’s (Earths galaxy is the Milky Way) a stellar black hole happens when a stars core collapses causing a super nova. 

5 UNIVERSAL FACTS  Mars has some of the largest volcanoes, Mount Olympus is three times the size of Mount Everest.  A meteorite is a fragment of rock or iron. An asteroid is a small or large rock orbiting the sun. There is a large number of these around Jupiter and Mars through some more eccentric orbits.  Jupiter’s and Neptune’s rings are both made of water and ice. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, Neptune is also the coldest planet in the solar system.

6 BIBLYOGRAPHY  Astronomy has and always will capture the human eye in its outstanding beauty who knows what else is out there in the never ending abyss. The Nasa website helped me in this research Google chrome helped to The video was from youtube THESE ARE THE TWO WESITES I USED


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