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SeaDataNet European Directory of Marine Research Projects - EDMERP By Dick Schaap.

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Presentation on theme: "SeaDataNet European Directory of Marine Research Projects - EDMERP By Dick Schaap."— Presentation transcript:

1 SeaDataNet European Directory of Marine Research Projects - EDMERP By Dick Schaap

2 Present metadatabases Meta- directory Content EDMERPInventory of Institute Research Projects EC ProjectsInventory of EC funded Research Projects

3 EDMERP specifications Initiated in 1998 in EURONODIM and further developed in Sea-Search Inventory of marine research projects undertaken by European research laboratories. The primary objective is to support users in identifying interesting research activities and in connecting them to involved research managers and project results like data, models, publications, etc. across Europe. Present status: ca. 1250 research projects by ca. 300 research institutes

4 EDMERP governance NODCs and national focal points are responsible for seeking out, collating and maintaining directory entries for the research institutes within their own country:  Research Institutes prepare institute entries.  NODCs collate national entries.  Central coordinator (=MARIS) compiles European directory, performs overall quality control and makes EDMERP online available for users

5 EDMERP user interface - search

6 EDMERP user interface – search results

7 EDMERP user interface – project details

8 EDMERP user interface - institute details

9 EDMERP format Entries to EDMERP consist of two parts: Address and description of research institute (e.g. laboratory, institute, university department, governmental department, company) engaged in the research project as leading party or as (associated) partner Descriptions of each research project, with details on objectives, period, geographical coverage, partners etc..

10 EDMERP maintenance NODCs can maintain entries in the present set-up as follows:  Maintain Research Institutes per country by using the European Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO) ( and its online Content Management System (www.sea- with id-  Maintain Research Projects by using an MS-Access entry programme

11 EDMO user interface –search

12 EDMO user interface –search results

13 EDMO user interface – institute details

14 EDMERP actions – first year  MARIS will send all NODCs instructions, format descriptions, EDMO CMS log-in’s + MS-ACCESS program with existing entries – End of June 2006  NODCs will check and update addresses of existing Institutes in their country, using EDMO and its online CMS – first deadline Sept 2006  In case of new institutes NODCs will inform MARIS, so that MARIS can prepare a new entry in EDMO for their updating

15 EDMERP actions – first year  NODCs check and update existing Project entries in the MS-ACCESS program  NODCs contact institutes and collect new Project entries, which are entered into the MS-ACCESS program by NODCs  NODCs send updated and expanded MS-Access DB to MARIS for inclusion into central EDMERP db – first deadline February 2007

16 EDMERP upgrade  As part of developing the SeaDataNet infrastructure also an overall upgrade of the metadatabases is foreseen  This upgrade is prepared by the Technical Task Group, thereby optimizing formats, maintenance and retrieval systems, and safeguarding a conversion from already collected metadata to the new set-up  Partners will be informed regularly on the TTG developments  The new system will be introduced to partners for operational use by September 2007

17 EC Research Projects directory  Inventory of primairy details of Marine Research Projects funded by the EC in MAST, EESD, 5th and 6th Framework programmes  So far maintained by MARIS using EC info  At present ca 560 Projects  More simple format than EDMERP  Includes user interface for searching, browsing results and detailed project pages

18 Cooperation with EurOcean  EurOcean is building up a portal to give information on European Marine RTD projects  It is agreed with EurOcean to cooperate together on developing and keeping up-to-date an EC Marine Research Projects database for both portals (SeaDataNet and EuroOcean)  SeaDataNet could provide extra technology and oversee technical governance, while EurOcean could oversee contents governance  Cooperation details will be finalized soon and a plan will be made.

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