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Student Collective Learning for Sustainable Development Decision-Making in the Future Organizations PhD. student Gintarė Valinevičienė, Institute of Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Collective Learning for Sustainable Development Decision-Making in the Future Organizations PhD. student Gintarė Valinevičienė, Institute of Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Collective Learning for Sustainable Development Decision-Making in the Future Organizations PhD. student Gintarė Valinevičienė, Institute of Educational Studies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Prof. Palmira Jucevičienė, Institute of Educational Studies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania,

2 The problem What universities should do to promote collective learning for sustainable development (SD) decision-making in the future organizations?

3 Objectives: how SD decisions are made in organizations? what is the importance of collective learning in SD decision-making? how to develope students' collective learning for SD decision-making in university?

4 who? SD decision-making in organizations: who? Diversity in: roles – approaches – backgrounds Common understanding Decision makers Internal advicers External advicers

5 what, why, how? SD decision-making in organizations: what, why, how? Information based-decisions; Open-ended process; Evolving process.

6 building the common understanding Collective learning in organization: building the common understanding

7 Learning for sustainable developement Type 1 – learning about (linear learning) ; Type 2 – learning to choose alternatives, (based on the present); Type 3 – learning for changing situations (critical thinking, reflection and collective learning, empowerement).

8 What universities all over the world do? 1) integrate SD curriculum or content that is anchored to the daily lives and interests of participants; 2) enchance an overt interest in progressive social, political and structural change and in strengthening resistance and values; 3) apply pedagogy that emphasises collective rather than individual learning and development.

9 Changing paradigms: the balance of teaching and learning Traditional (teaching) paradigm Contemporary (interaction) paradigm Modern (learning) paradigm

10 Instead of conclusions: what can you do for ESD? DO‘s Integrate SD curriculum: Science and reaserch based curriculum; Real-life situations; Values; Systematic approach. Empower your students: Create supportive educational environment; Teach them how to learn; Apply active methods (ex. problem based, project learning); Scafold student learning; Value students uniqe expirience. DON‘Ts Diversify SD curriculum; Apply teacher-oriented teaching; Leave lots of space for uncertainty; Asses only reproductive knowledge.

11 Thank you for your attention! Any quiestions, please? Discussion is welcome!

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