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Welcome to Your 30-Second Mental Health TrainingEnjoy.

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2 Welcome to Your 30-Second Mental Health TrainingEnjoy

3 A new customer service employee with schizophrenia has asked for accommodations to help with “memory deficits". Which set of accommodations would best fit her circumstances? Educate all employees on their right to accommodations. Provide sensitivity training to coworkers. Encourage employees to limit non work related conversations. Allow the employee to tape record meetings and trainings. Provide written job instructions and checklists. Allow additional training time. Provide constant praise and reinforcement. Allow breaks as needed. Refer to counseling or employee assistance program. Allow telephone calls to doctors for needed support.

4 While all of these accommodations would greatly improve an employee’s relationship and interaction with her co-workers, they will not help with her remembering assignments, meeting deadlines, and maintaining overall organization. Good try … but Please Try again! best This answer is not the best choice!

5 Close … but Not quite right! best This is not the best answer. Please Try again! These accommodations will go a long way to helping an employee with schizophrenia deal with the stress and all of the emotions that go with accepting a new job. They will not however help with cognitive symptoms such as difficulty attending to and processing information and remembering simple tasks.

6 Yippee, You got it right! best Give yourself a pat on the back! This is the best answer! HERE HERE All of these accommodations would greatly improve the job performance of an employee who was experiencing difficulty retaining and recalling information as symptoms of schizophrenia. For more about this disorder and other mental health impairments from the Job Accommodation Network click HERE.HERE This 30-Second Training has been developed using Federal funds from the Department of Labor under Contract No. DOLJ131A22067. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations

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