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ESPÑOL 4 UNIDAD 3 VOCABULARIO #1. sorprender(se) to (be) surprised.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPÑOL 4 UNIDAD 3 VOCABULARIO #1. sorprender(se) to (be) surprised."— Presentation transcript:


2 sorprender(se) to (be) surprised

3 aceptar tal como (soy) to accept (me) the way that (I am)

4 cambiar de opinión to change ones opinion

5 juntos, -as together

6 tener en común to have in common

7 tener celos to be jealous

8 amable kind, friendly

9 cariñoso, -a loving, affectionate

10 celoso, -a jealous

11 chismoso, -a gossipy

12 comprensivo, -a understanding

13 considerado, -a considerate

14 egoísta selfish

15 honesto, -a honest

16 entrometido, -a meddlesome, interfering

17 íntimo, -a intimate

18 sincero, -a sincere

19 vanidoso, -a vain, conceited

20 la amistad friendship

21 la confianza trust

22 la cualidad quality

23 el secreto secret

24 atreverse to dare

25 confiar to confide

26 contar con to count on

27 desconfiar to mistrust

28 esperar to hope (for)

29 guardar (un secreto) to keep (a secret)

30 mejorar to improve

31 La boda wedding

32 La herencia inheritance

33 el fallecimiento demise

34 el matrimonio matrimony

35 el divorcio divorce

36 el nacimiento birth

37 el parto childbirth, delivery

38 cupable, tener la culpa guilty, to be guilty

39 difunto deceased

40 fiel faithful

41 infiel unfaithful

42 embarazada pregnant

43 orgulloso proud

44 malentendido misunderstood

45 atractivo attractive

46 dulce sweet

47 atrevido daring

48 pícaro cunning, sly

49 picante sharp

50 romántico romantic

51 sinvergüenza shameless

52 juntos together

53 en común in common

54 abrazarse to hug each other

55 adorar to adore

56 amar to love

57 añorar to long for, to grieve, to mourn

58 apoyarse to support, back each other up

59 atreverse to dare

60 besarse to kiss each other

61 casarse to marry

62 comprometerse to be engaged

63 contar (o-ue) con to count on

64 dar la luz to give birth

65 divorciarse to divorce

66 enamorarse to fall in love

67 encantar to really like/love

68 fallecer to pass away

69 guardar un secreto to keep secret

70 heredar to inherit

71 juzgar to judge

72 nacer to be born

73 romperse con to break up

74 separarse to separate

75 atrear to attract

76 sorprender to surprise

77 temer to fear

78 coquetear to flirt

79 pensar (e-ie) en sí mismo to think of oneself

80 rechazar, el rechazo to reject, the rejection

81 la pareja couple

82 la cita date

83 la flor flower

84 la agudezca wit

85 la vergüenza disgrace, shame, embarrassment

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