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Habakkuk 2:4 For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will.

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Presentation on theme: "Habakkuk 2:4 For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will."— Presentation transcript:


2 Habakkuk 2:4 For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.

3 We saw in the last message how my Angel gave us the prophecy of how we would be protected and enjoined together dimensionally. The gentile and the Hebrew joined together and we stood under the protection of the great Eagle.

4 The Governor from Texas, the Lone Star State, become President and Chief Military Officer; George! His message to the world protected us. We were protected for the unfolding of Divine Love at the appointed time of maturity. Now it is here in reality.

5 As my Lord has spoken, the sure prophecy is now before many kindred, tongue, and nation and it is true. Fear nothing as I will go before you and remove the obstacles of nature that would be placed in your way. Many ministries of my Lord were used to accompany the gentile remnant.

6 I have personally found this promise to be so true. The Angel that accompanied Noah, Moses, and Elijah has also led the way for us and removed many obstacles in our way. Those obstacles of birth, sin, iniquity, holiness, warring, dominating, and such.

7 Your ministry is too as I walk before you. As I accompanied the prophet Moses and changed the elements of the earth, even as I accompanied Elijah and shut up the elements of the heaven, so will I be with you.

8 The next vision that took place in January 2004 gives us a great understanding of the changing of elements. We will concentrate on that. Now let’s concentrate on the ministries. Noah, Moses, Elijah and see what the Lord is doing for us.

9 We will continue from here and look at how my Angel has accomplished in Us these things that he gave to Us 13 years ago. The message is moving forward and we are a great part of the gravity waves of humanity in the universe.

10 Amala C-alistar: Got the following article on the Internet on the same day of the sandstorm. I am sure that all of you heard about the sandstorm in Iraq Tuesday and Wednesday (the worst in 100 years some say) and the drenching rain that followed the next day. Our troops were bogged down and couldn’t move effectively. The media was already wondering if the troops were in a “quagmire” and dire predictions of gloom and doom came from the left wing media.

11 What they didn’t report was that yesterday, after the weather had cleared, the Marine group that was mired the worst looked out at the plain they were just about to cross. What did they see? Hundreds if not thousands of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines had been uncovered by the wind and then washed off by the rain.

12 If they had proceeded as planned, many lives would have undoubtedly been lost. As it was, they simply drove around them and let the demolition teams destroy them. Praises be to His mighty name! Thank you God, for protecting our young men and women! One person once asked George Washington if he thought God was on his side. His reply is reported to be, “It is not that God should be on our side, but that we be on His.”

13 Fear not in what I am revealing to you. Our Lord does not show his mercy until maturity is accomplished. You will understand many things as I walk before you and remove the veils of tradition. There are mechanical, doctrinal issues with your ministry that must be addressed as my Lord’s mercy has come to you at a time of maturity.

14 The Angel was changing things as the season had matured to change the message. Think of all the veils of tradition that have been removed by our maturity. Look at all the mechanical doctrinal issues that have been addressed. The word of prophecy was true.

15 The 7 th angel’s ministry is unleavened and you will find your correction to be so from there. As the shuttle had mechanical issues within, and they fell from the sky, so shall some fall from correction. The six seals were not right with the space shuttle and brought disaster and so there will be casualties at home as the body is set in order.

16 The Angel was directing me to the words inside the message that would correct the mechanical issues. Doctrinal issues cause death and the separation for past seasons. The space shuttle was a type of what would happen to the message groups.

17 Do not stumble in your relentless walk as they fall about you. You are the spoken word and will understand this fully as you defeat the traditional curse of the flesh.

18 The Angel always encourages when he arrives on the scene. I didn’t think of my walk as relentless but he did. Our bodies are spoken word and our awakening makes us realize that. Jesus made the way for us to be the spoken word. It’s already done, a finished work.

19 The bride parallels with science and politics. As they protest against cloning so has the people protested against your message of completing the birth process. The prophet told you of these things. How the bride has stepped into another body that has come to maturity now and is ready.

20 The cycles and seasons continue, science, politics, Christ all parallel together. We were birthed into another body – the Third Testament. And we had come to maturity now and were ready for those changes to carry us further into the Testaments.

21 As you will see the Lord’s king birth a nation by preemptive measures so have I led you in the ministry to step out and take the spiritual land and awaken the entire bride body into the new day.

22 We watched a new nation birthed as the government was destroyed and a new nation arose after the Talaban was removed. The birth process was complete as the Angel said. Cloning was introduced, preemptive measures for a birth were finished.

23 The angel of the bride was clear as he showed you many things in New York and taught you of their word form. The body that you are now wearing, even as a coat, will bring our Lord to you as your journey will be by revelation. You have been formed into the living word as the scripture has said, “He that believeth in me shall never die”.

24 That was the commission of William was to reveal the Bride Body of the Second Coming. Then open the seals closing the second testament and making a way for the third testament into the earth. Our Word is different in our cycle and season.

25 We are no longer in the mystery of the second and third coming. This is the Ministry now, a new moment. We moved from a testament to “The Testaments” and filled the earth with its glory. We are declaring Oneness in the earth now and re-casting the characters for this new commission.

26 There is no greater mission, there is no greater purpose. Search the message and see as I have told you of the created body you now wear. And what spirit shall know the things of God except the spirit of God which you have. My mission is sure, my word is true.

27 William and the Angel were continually telling me of this word body that we now wear. It is a created body of the Word for the hour and moment that we need it.

28 He left in a great flash of light @ approximately 1:00 a.m. Associated Press packed an article of great flash of light in sky 1:00 a.m. – Over Ohio/Indiana skies


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