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Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Escape Religious Persecution.

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Presentation on theme: "Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Escape Religious Persecution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Why are people coming to a new world they know nothing about? Escape Religious Persecution Escape Religious Persecution Economic Gain Economic Gain

2 Massachusetts Because of tight community controls some individuals began to offer dissenting opinions -Roger Williams -Believed in the Separation of Church and State and was exiled from the colony and founded Providence R.I. -* Started preaching against strict Puritan views in Plymouth, Mass. -*Believed you were free to worship what you wanted= Religious Toleration -Credited for the Establishment of 1 st Ana Baptist churches

3 Massachusetts Because of tight community controls some individuals began to offer dissenting opinions -Anne Hutchinson Her belief in individual worship challenged Puritan leaders and she was banished in a famous trial and fled to R.I. -* A theologian who would study sermons- and then ask why.. Then she would go and preach her own sermon!

4 New Netherlands -Henry Hudson -Explored the Hudson R. and Hudson Bay areas -Dutch found colony at New Amsterdam (Manhattan Island) -English take colony in 1664 -renamed New York *They see how important a harbor is and seize it! -Part of the region divided into the colony of New Jersey

5 Rhode Island -founded by Roger Williams -land peaceably acquired from Indians -based on religious freedoms that Williams promoted -thought church and the government should operate separate from one another - SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!

6 Connecticut “The Constitution State” -founded by Thomas Hooker -wanted more religious freedom than Massachusetts (Or John Winthrop) allowed -disliked the requirement of citizens to be church members (Couldn’t vote or have a voice unless you went to church) -Fundamental Orders--first constitution in the nation - Called for elected representatives from each town

7 Pennsylvania – Means woods in Latin -William Penn -Quakers-religious group who practiced worship without ministers and were pacifists (all about peace) - Freedom of Religion: a lot of people moved to Pennsylvania -Philadelphia-“City of Brotherly Love” (B/w 2 rivers) -fair treatment of Indians -thriving colony

8 Maryland -George Calvert -- Lord Baltimore (Nobleman of the lowest rank) -established as safe haven for English Catholics and to make $ -Catholics soon outnumbered by Puritans & Protestants - Toleration Act ---Law that created religious freedom in Maryland in 1649

9 Other Colonies -Carolina—royal colony named after King Charles -eventually split into two colonies North Carolina created as refuge for the poor and dissenters -remained thinly populated until mid 1700’s -Georgia ---James Oglethorpe -began as a safe haven for debtors & Prisoners -was also a buffer from Spanish Florida

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